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HBH NEEDS your help

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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as mentioned in the news post, HBH faces a very difficult time ahead.

people seem intent on bringing HBH down. Over the next few days im going to re-script the functions i added and also update further legal things, (move banner to the left. have the isthislegal.php in a larger hyperlink o right of banner) because apparnetly the fucktards vision is the same length as their cocks and cant move their eyes 2 inches down to read the important links i made in red hyperlinks.

basically the only option HBH has to self host, or move to a server in holland / russia / sweden etc.

Im willing to donate myself a very very large donations of £100 to get HBH setup once and for all. However £100 is not the full amount we need.

Sadly it is only a matter of time before HBH goes down again, and we are running out of options. This server has to be setup practically instantly. I fear if HBH goes down again, theres a chance it wont return. This is a urgent issue.


If i can donate £100 myself which is basically all the money in my bank account, then im sure others can donate as little as £1. Every little will help. Large donations will not go unrewarded. If every active member donated just £1 we could raise nearly $1000.

If you have ever intended on buying a shirt, or E-Membership, i cant stress how important it is that you do it now.

HBH has the potential and is already on its way to becomming the best and largest website in his subject area. Lets make HBH live on.

Members who have very kindly donated: mozzer - £10 Conaman12 - $1.50 tehh4cker@gmail.com - 70p shabouwcaw - 40 euro

ghost's Avatar
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Im willing to give what i have left in my paypal account. Sadly its only $1.64 USD Who can i send the money too?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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please direct donations to the same account used for t-shirts / E-Membership / convention tickets.

every little helps.

ghost's Avatar
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i will be buying the emembership soon for at least one year. this week!

ghost's Avatar
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I just bought another T-shirt. Also I encourage others to do so as well. You have used HBH to learn some skills and to keep you learning. I now ask all of you that have ever got something out of HBH to donate now. Weather it is 1 dollar or 100. Buy a t-shirt or buy an e-membership. What ever it takes to keep HBH alive. I want to be able to wake up tomarrow and still know that HBH will be here when I Type in hellboundhackers.org

ghost's Avatar
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As I have no 'cyber'money, I shall give money to you (Mr_Cheese) at convention for EM and a t-shirt.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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thanks knutrainer, i'll post your t-shirt tommorow. thanks to everyonw who has donated so far.

ghost's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese, I would like to donate but I live in the U.S. and I am 13, and I dont have a credit card to use on paypal or such. I would mail you the cash but the problem is that it may not arrive to you soon enough.

Not to mention a majority of the community on HBH are teenagers Any other options we have?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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parents have paypal accounts?

only option is gonna be paypal accounts or purchasing t-shirts / emembersip via credit cards.

sorry guys.

ghost's Avatar
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My mom has the paypal account and she thinks all hackers = bad so if I even brang up the subject shed be pissed off. Shes already skeptical about me being on HBH 24/7…

ghost's Avatar
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noooooooooo, im locked outta my paypal acct or i would get a membership

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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perhaps get your mum to read a couple of my articles. "negative stereotypes" might be a good article for you to show her.

ghost's Avatar
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I've tried…. I'll tell you how it works.. My grandma is a bitch, when my mom and dad were at the beginning of the divorice my mom was brainwashed by my grandma,my grandma told my mom that is always right when it comes to dealing with kids. Now she has this big ego where she thinks she is right over anyone and she can argue the facts.

I've left a few of the articles open on my computer while I was outside looking in through the window (which is a bad idea because I have a major amount of private shit on my computer)… she read them'

** edited because of bad grammer*

ghost's Avatar
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Elitest_00 just keylog your computer and get her password. Then buy it and give her the money straight after proclaiming that she told you her password ages ago and your paying for it anyway :D

Peoples keep telling others you know about HBH. I'll buy membership or two t-shirts soon, if my offer isnt taken up on by ceddar. ;)

ghost's Avatar
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hell yeah ill buy a whole wardrobe..this site rocks

ghost's Avatar
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I just got paid last week and already transferred the money to my bank account… I'll be able to donate $75 more to you guys in about a week though.

ghost's Avatar
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why cant u guys get some ads here?..i mean u got a good traffic , why not using it?..its good money, iopened a site and im financing it with ads, it covers the cost..and sometimes leaves u with a change :)..think about it..

ghost's Avatar
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Ads are shitty and annoying. People end up leaving sites because of too many god damn ads. Financing a whole site on ads is rediculous

ghost's Avatar
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Not really if all the people visiting the site are willing to support it by clicking the ads.

ghost's Avatar
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Ever consider a little more public advertising? public relations… On the other hand, that could turn against us…

ghost's Avatar
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okay. now i really have to get this bank account setup. this weekend.

i have $300 lying around begging for an Ipod. but i can wait a few more weeks when i get paid $750 for 8 hours of work in one day.

I was gonna get an ipod. But i see HBH requires some help. I will be trying to set everything up so that I can donate to HBH. KEYWORD trying. half will go to HBH and the other will be used for zine. I hope that will help HBH in the long run. :)

ghost's Avatar
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We shouldn't have to advertise HBH. That was one of the downfalls to HTS. All these kids want to learn how to hack so they can hack their friends computers and shit. Its a bad idea, it will bring more noobs to the site saying "t3ac8 m3 h0w 2 haxx0r!" What we need to do is get more skilled hackers and build a huge community of superior knowledge and a databse of information.

ghost's Avatar
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I see where your coming from, we could ask Mr_cheese about some temporary ads

ghost's Avatar
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If you're worried about getting newbs to the site, stop and think. 99% of the people, honestly, have almost no talent. This is supposed to be a training site. Let newbs come. That's the whole point. Don't say we shouldn't allow newbs here.

ghost's Avatar
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im def gunna buy a shirt now. i have the money to. yea ill buy a shirt. B)

ghost's Avatar
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Also, the mention of ads previously was talking about having ads placed on HBH to bring in some revenue, not necessarily advertising HBH

ghost's Avatar
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Your claiming 99% of people here have no talent, so to be the 1% that HAS talent is going to be the in the top 93 hackers to have talent. 93 out of 9349 people have talent?

The best place to advertise would be another hacking site.

Advertising on regular sites would bring in loads of n00bs, not newbies, n00bs. And our ads would be terminated on other sites, because of negative stereotypes

ghost's Avatar
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well i donated what i could…….

ghost's Avatar
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I am a newbie. A major gigantic un-talented one. And even so I'm not here to learn to hax00r. I really do not have the money, but saying that about noobs, newbies, wathever, is just stereotyping as the the dumbass hosts did to HBH. As your mothers does to you. People have to start somewhere, right? Weren't you a newbie? ;) I'm not tryng to mess with no one, but come one Elitest_00, be reasonable. I really wish I could do more fore HBH:(. Peace

ghost's Avatar
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I just bought 6 mounths of Exclusive Membership, should I buy more?

ghost's Avatar
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No, I said noobs.

Newbies are good, they require help like everyone. I am talking about the noobs, as I stated before in the other posts. Let me make myself clear, NEWBIES are GOOD, N00BS are BAD. If you dont know the difference between a noob and a newbie look it up. 0 To be a noob you have to prove your one. if u rite lik dis and wunt to haxx0r teh gov den u r a nuub.

Everyone was a newbie at first. I'm not discriminating against them, if we had more newbies who are urged to learn and be like us the community would grow.

Now as I stated in the previous post we would get a small amount of newbies, a large amount of noobs who want to haxz0r111, and a load of complaints from idiots who stereotype hackers.

If you still dont get where I am coming from go fuck yourself up the ass.

ghost's Avatar
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First of all, stop posting about noobs, they were talking about having advertisments on the site to make money, not advertise the site, that would make no money.

I have a paypal account and am getting paid tommorow, well, later today. But i'm not sure if the payment will go through in time. My bank account takes a long time to transfer money to paypal. How much time are we talking?

ghost's Avatar
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What this thread should be about other than to record donations should be to discus methods of fundraising.

The problem as I see it is that people have the money but no way to transmit it, ie too young/no paypal

My solution to this would be to set up a system where it would be possible for the money (cash) disguised as letters (its not reccommended to send cash through the post) to Mr_Cheese.

Just my 5 cents. I wish I had a way of putting more into my PP at the moment but the majority of my money is in cash and in my Non-paypal account

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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dunno if its a HBH member or not, but someone has just purchased a months worth of ads on HBH (the green adverts).

This is a great oppurtunity. Because if other advertisers see that this site generates lots of clicks etc, then they will be more inclined to purchased the ads etc, and the current advertiser will be satisfied with the click level and want to purchase more!

hint taken?

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah mr. Elitest_00, you are totaly right! Guys like you really want to help guys like me. Please help me to l33t lik u du! Did I disrespect you? Was I, at anytime, rude? Learn manners before posting in foruns you immature kid. I was making my point, that's all. If you don't want to, don't understand what I say, or how I say, or can't argue, it's yout problem, but I think, that as hacker that you are, that is trying to improve people's image about hackers, you don't gain anything by being such a rude kid.


ghost's Avatar
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Yea I really enjoy exploring advertisments.;)

ghost's Avatar
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Oh and I am one of the few exclusive members who does not disable ads:) Anything for HBH.

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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I go through the ads about 4 times a day minimum. I cannot get $$ because I never have any :S. is it not great being an adult? well I hope all goes well and I will see what I can do to help man.

ghost's Avatar
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Post Edited**

Look up the difference between n00b and newbie. thousandtoone used the word newb, which is the reason everyone is on a different page. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I stated the difference between noobs and newbies at least twice, which is why I am pissed. Look it up. I never said newbies shouldn't be aloud on HBH, and if I did please point it out to me.

ghost's Avatar
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Dude your argument does NOT stand. Get over it! Newbs and n00bs conveys the same idea/concept. And I thought men don't behave like 8th grade girls…

ghost's Avatar
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lol, apparently the new versions do!

Anyways I hope to update my exclusive membership and donate a few pounds before next week. This is a sad sad situation :(

<!– If anyone wants to hear my take on noob well all I have to say to you is take a long walk of a short cliff! I love everyone equally anything else takes too much effort–>

ghost's Avatar
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Netfish is right. Let's stopo stupifying, shall we? ;) It all started with HBH need for financial help, let's stick to it… Eheh! No hard feelings, hein?

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah hes right….

My idea to make HBH grow was when I was finishing over javascript challenges I couldn't find any of the fuckin' codes I was looking for on the web and it made me frustrated. I was always directed to the hackthissite javascript tutorial. I was thinking we all could start developing articles for different languages which would attract hackers that dont know about HBH and build our database of information. I'm working on one for javascript injections at the moment so pm or msn me anything helpful for javascript

ghost's Avatar
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is $150 dollar donation good enough? :| cause i have $300 and i was gonna split it for HBh and Zine to share. Cheese if you need a little more than $150 ill go up to $200 if thats what would be required.

ghost's Avatar
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i wouldnt mind banner ads on the bottom/ side, like the ones on the left of the home/news section also, we could create another site with nothing to do with hacking, maby programming or computer help that has ads and use the $$ from that to go to hbh. just a thought.

shade's Avatar
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i have an idea.. dun kno if its legel though… i mean.. technically its legal.. hbh hosts a site for every1 of us, we put ads(also make bank accounts or whatever we need 2 get t3h $) and afterwards we click each on the other's ads, make money, then send them 2 cheese.

*never applyed this and is just an idea. if anything illegal or suspicious please delete my post

ghost's Avatar
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i don't think it'd be illegal if everyone set up their own site, say on a free web host, and pumped it full of ads, with all the profits going to HBH… I might try that :)

ghost's Avatar
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there was this one guy who had a website and he only had ads on it. and he would sell ads. 10 pixel was $1 for each month. so a basic add is maybe 1000pixels which would equal… $100 a mnth. this site had nothing but ads. totalling to 1,000,000 ads. the guy became a millionaire.

something like that would roll in the cash :)

shade's Avatar
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Think!: lets say we are 1000 ppl, which means few gigs of hdd space on webserver :), 9995 clicks for each of us if we register where cheese registered for ( hell knos where that is..) so its (9995)/(how many clicks needed for 1 dollar)= LOTS OF $$ (even if we donate just 50% of earnings.. its 2 much..

mrdj204's Avatar
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i would be up for the maken of some websites with adds

ghost's Avatar
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im not sure this will work, but maby if someone coded a program that would automaticly click on the ads… im not good enough at programing to do it but im sure someone out there is… just an idea.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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those are illegal and would getus kicked from our ad program.

ghost's Avatar
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o ok, nvm

shade's Avatar
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well, u can make a batch file that automatically opens the links 2 the adds.. un dun have 2 be an expert to do that.. even i can do it :)

SySTeM's Avatar
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Cheese just said it would get HBH kicked!

shade's Avatar
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:O… that's not good ..but after all whe arent making anything wrong.. we are just interpreting the law 2 soot our needs :matey: the would never kno.. all we must do is reg for the ads.. copy the urls and then we paste them into the batch files.. its exactly the same as telling ppl 2 click ads on you site..

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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that wouldnt work.

the ad code works on reffers and IP's etc etc.

if it was as simple as making a batch file, everyone would be doing it.

ghost's Avatar
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I would donate, but am in the same situation as half the people here. I don't have a paypal account. If there was any other way too send it I would do that.

Its just not as easy as going up to dad and saying "can I use your Paypal account to donate money to a hacking website?"


ghost's Avatar
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here is an idea, everytime you login, you get 1 popup ad. In order to login you click on the ad and the popup automatically closes. If you get 100 people in one day at £1/1$ per click = £100 / 100$ per day - nice.

ghost's Avatar
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exept most ad companys pay between 1 - 7 cents per click + isnt there some kinda rule against forcing ppl to click adds?

ghost's Avatar
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You don't have to force them, enough people would voluntarily click it to make it profitable.

ghost's Avatar
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I know that google has something like that..

that "clicks" program for money… I can safely say that you would be very rich very soon Mr_Cheese. unless… Google hates hackers which is impossible! Because we are its best friend ;)

ghost's Avatar
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yeah do they hate us or they love us?

ghost's Avatar
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Just make a new page on hbh and put the ad there, I bet that most people here would go there.


Google hate hackers, they don't allow any site who have their ads to have anything related with hacking or guns or anything else which is illegal.

A swedish site had to take down a forum for n00bs who want help to install netbus :P


ghost's Avatar
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Instead of all of this ad stuff, here are some probable solutions to HBH's money needs.

1.)Exclusive Membership

Exclusive Membership could be the one thing that could raise lots of money. Right now there is only about 100 exclusive members out of 12,000 people. The reason not many people are buying exclusive membership is because they don't really need it. I think that if you are not an exclusive member, you should only be allowed to do the basic missions and a few other missions, and access only parts of the forums. This is kinda like the whole Runescape thing if anyone knows what I'm talking about. You get addicted to the game, and there are so many additional features with exclusive members that you have to buy it. This idea should be encorporated into HBH. With everyone who is an active user buying exclusive membership, HBH would have plenty of money. Also I think the price for exclusive membership should be raised to at least $3.00, dedicated members of HBH would be willing to pay.


Not as in HBH getting money for hosting ads, but as in we advertise HBH. HBH should be the first site people come to when they think of hacking, not HTS. HBH is a much better community than HTS with better challenges and admins. This doesnt mean that HBH will have to pay for banners and ads on other sites. I think all members of HBH should be spreading the word to friends through emails, AIM, or just talking to them. I right now, have a lot of people in my school interested in HBH and the word is being spread. So send out those emails, link to HBH on your sites, and spread the word!


ghost's Avatar
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I don't like the idea of having to pay to have any use of HBH, evenryone don't have bank acc's because they are underage.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah I agree, it worth be worth it, but at least half the people here are underage so a lot of them wouldn't be able to pay, even if they were able to, most of them wouldn't have steady income.

ghost's Avatar
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You could maybe let people send the money by post, it would be a lot easier for underages to just take some cash and send them by mail.

ghost's Avatar
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That is true, but come on 3 dollars a month. I think you could work something out. Also, almost all of your parents should have a paypal account and if they don't ask them to set one up. It takes like 5 min and its really easy.

Also mailing the cash could work out if Mr_Cheese would be willing to do it.

ghost's Avatar
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its actually cheaper than that is $1.50 a month

ghost's Avatar
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Ya i know, but Im saying that we should raise it to at least $3 maybe $5. People would be willing to pay and itd bring in more money.

ghost's Avatar
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yea ur right

ghost's Avatar
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I'd personally donate as much as I could afford, but at the moment I'm inbetween jobs. If HBH needs any support in any other way, I'll gladly oblige to help.

If HBH never returns, then a large piece of everyone that has grown with this site will be issing, and it's only one more win for the man trying to keep us from knowledge that should easily be free to everyone.

ghost's Avatar
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Also Mr_Cheese, I have been reading up on page ranks and have figured out how to make HBH get a really high page ranking. That way when someone types in the keyword "Hack" in google hackthissite will not be the first site shown. (I couldnt even find HBH going through all the pages of links with the keyword Hack). From now on, my project will be to get HBH a high page ranking. If anyone else would like to join, there are several good articles on "How to increase you page rank" (GOOGLE IT), and eventually HBH will be even bigger that HTS

What_A_Legend's Avatar
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all users paying for the se use of the site is not a good idea in my oppinion, as people like me who have no current income cant afford to pay for it even tho it is a low price. And i am a regular user and i owe every thing i know to this site. :D

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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E-Membership isnt paying to use HBH, its just paying a small amount to hlep ut HBH, and in exchange you get a few nifty features that make your HBH life a little more easier and personal.

and in regards to raising the price of EM…i'll give it a good think about and we can discuss it in the EM forum for current members to join in.

and TrueHacker, send me a email about your project and give me a few more details and we'll get to work.

ghost's Avatar
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Anyone else whod like to help me out with making HBH more popular PM me or contact me on msn or aim.


ghost's Avatar
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what if, you put an option for donation via credit card like the same way a tshirt would be ordered?

and whats the status on this anyway? whats our goal how far are we from it and how long do we have?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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thanks to previous donations and recent t-shirt sales, we now have enough for 6 - 7 months hosting :)

ghost's Avatar
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6-7 months will go by pretty quick. this means HBH needs a way to substantially increase the income its making cus donations probably wont last forever. what kinda stuff could be done aside from things previously stated such as advertising?

ghost's Avatar
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i'd be willing to donate to the fund. I cant drop huge amounts all at once, but i'd be willing to give again. I can probably drop around $25 towads this right now…how do you want it direct via paypal?? Just to the same place as the EM , but with a note?

ghost's Avatar
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heh….nevermind. took care of it already. here's to us!

Zer0Man's Avatar
Greyhat in Training
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I'll buy a T-Shirt at the convention, will there be any size XL T-Shirts available at the convention?

ghost's Avatar
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I'm going to try to buy a shirt sometime soon. I hope everyone helps out so this awesome site won't go down! ;)

ghost's Avatar
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i want to buy a shirt and a premium acc with mail too.. but i cant :( i am from czech republic, and i dont have paypal account, so i cant send money via credit card… or with something else :angry:

ghost's Avatar
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dancuc wrote: i want to buy a shirt and a premium acc with mail too.. but i cant :( i am from czech republic, and i dont have paypal account, so i cant send money via credit card… or with something else :angry:


ghost's Avatar
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c00l! thanks, i didn't know about that! :p:p

ghost's Avatar
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I think that if you are not an exclusive member, you should only be allowed to do the basic missions and a few other missions, and access only parts of the forums. This is kinda like the whole Runescape thing if anyone knows what I'm talking about. You get addicted to the game, and there are so many additional features with exclusive members that you have to buy it. This idea should be encorporated into HBH.

NO WAY! I was a victim of the entire Runescape thing, still play it occasionally =\ but thanks to hbh I spend more of my time actually learning than wasting my time with RS (and thanks to friends who donate old computers/parts for the mutantbeast in my room)

I would donate, but I don't have paypal (i'm 16…), my parents hate spending money over internet for stuff they don't absolutely have to have, and my dad's rather against "hacking" ('till he gets a virus and comes crying to me to fix it :( )

Cheese, I'd like a t-shirt… is it possible to get a 3XL…? I might be able to get my mom to let me buy a shirt, as I need some new ones anyway… It would be great if it were possible to send money through the post, though, as many people (including me) can't send it through better channels due to parents/age, etc.

ghost's Avatar
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I am going to buy a T shirt in the next few weeks. I am glad knowing this will help out HBH.:D

spyware's Avatar
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Thanks for the buuuuuuuuuuump.

ghost's Avatar
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i would donate if i could et a job its becoming harder to find in my area with an unemployment rate of 33%. but i will do what i can when i do get money

Futility's Avatar
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Did you not read the post above yours? I'll give you a hint. It was posted just about a year ago.

ghost's Avatar
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Sorry, Im getting to this late. Where would i be able to mail money to?

spyware's Avatar
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Texas Instruments wrote: Sorry, Im getting to this late. Where would i be able to mail money to?

AAAAARGH. How can you people not get this?! This thread is OVER ONE YEAR OLD, STOP POSTING. If you want to spend money, GO BUY ME ICE CREAM.

Seriously. Stop posting in this thread.

ghost's Avatar
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are you serious. why the hell is it in the recent posts then? thats dumb

spyware's Avatar
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Texas Instruments wrote: O:

are you serious. why the hell is it in the recent posts then? thats dumb

YOU FREAKING )!#$)@%*#). Think about it; if people like YOU keep bumping this, it'll stay recent. So the only way to get this thread gone is to SHUT UP.

Okay, lets try to do that now.

ghost's Avatar
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Oh, okay. well ill just blame bec9112001

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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Bah. Locked.