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i think we should have a ranking thing that show in users profile and in there posts. it should be based on there points and posts. it should be ranked like this:

mewling newbie newbie beginner hacker expert hacker h4x0r 1337

something like that. though this might encourage spamming if we do posts.

its just an idea.

ghost's Avatar
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scankyfrank wrote: … h4x0r 1337 …

That might encourage Skiddies to come, or it might give the wrong impression, but I like the rest of them.


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Grindordie wrote: Newb < 100 Something else < 200 Mad Poster < 300 Expert < 400 Any ideas for names

Maybe do rankings according to encryptions… like beneath 100 would be binary, 200 could be hex, or w/e… but make the harder encryptions the higher numbers…

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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grind if you want, i could modify the script so that it includes points aswell. So if the user has 1000 points, but 5 posts, then it would be ranked "Expert Hacker" or if someone has 700 Points and 200 posts, then it ranks "Expert Hacker etc"

So it combines points + posts to get a rank.. that would be a neat idea, and not hard to code either :)

ps - it shoudl be > 200, not < 200 ;)

ghost's Avatar
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If you are doing returns, shouldn't you not need the bottom bounds checking? like markupfunction rank($data){ if($data &lt; &quot;50&quot;){ return &quot;Newbie&quot;; } elseif ($data &lt; &quot;100&quot;){ return &quot;Moderate&quot;; } elseif ($data &lt; &quot;150&quot;){ return &quot;Active&quot;; } elseif ($data &lt; &quot;200&quot;){ return &quot;Mad Poster&quot;; } elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;200&quot;){ return &quot;Crazy Guy&quot;; } else { return &quot;unknown&quot;; } }

Unless PHP does returns differently, this should work the same, but with half as many checks (so faster).

Also, not it should be greater than or equal to, rather than < or >. Otherwise people with 200 posts are Unknown.

ghost's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese wrote: grind if you want, i could modify the script so that it includes points aswell. So if the user has 1000 points, but 5 posts, then it would be ranked "Expert Hacker" or if someone has 700 Points and 200 posts, then it ranks "Expert Hacker etc"

So it combines points + posts to get a rank.. that would be a neat idea, and not hard to code either :)

ps - it shoudl be > 200, not < 200 ;)

Cool, lol, also with you 600 odd posts you're gna get some awesome ranking ;)

ghost's Avatar
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Grindordie wrote: … But WE NEED BETTER NAMES FOR THE RANKINGS.. can someone think of names to use

An idea for names, demon titles… like underling, demon, pit fiend, the devil, etc… getting stronger the more points/posts you have.

ghost's Avatar
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you can use OS like windows, Macintosh, linux, unix, etc

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, sure, but…..am i the only one with the "unknown" ranking?

ghost's Avatar
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lol, thats good!

Deshouleres wrote:

That might encourage Skiddies to come, or it might give the wrong impression, but I like the rest of them.


lol that was a joke…. :). i should have added a smilie wink ;)

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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ooooo Im Hacker Level 1 :)

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I'm so gonna catch you and become the top spammer … er I mean poster.

ghost's Avatar
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does it work correct ? I have 4 post >_< and 670 points and i see myself as moderate :o

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Wait is it post plus points?

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what might be interesting is to have a hacker lever like "expert hacker", being very high, than a post level like "guru" also being high making the rank "expert hacker, Guru"

ghost's Avatar
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I don't have any ranking either atm

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I would suggest changing the title 'active', because when I first saw it, I thought the person was online at the moment.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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I'll change it to "Active Poster" tommorow :)

ghost's Avatar
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lol, me and metsoc30 are too elite to determine.

Is this going to go in our profile as well then?

ghost's Avatar
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Here you go Grind. :p

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Grind you havent defined 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 etc,You also didn't define hacker level 3 properly, which is incidently where i sit, IE you left 900-1000 out completely you need to use something like this:

$data = $post + $points;

if($data &lt;= &quot;200&quot;){
return &quot;Newbie&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt; &quot;200&quot; & $data &lt; &quot;300&quot;){
return &quot;Moderate&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;300&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;400&quot;){
return &quot;Active&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;400&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;500&quot;){
return &quot;Mad Poster&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;500&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;600&quot;){
return &quot;Crazy Guy&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;600&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;700&quot;){
return &quot;Monster&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;700&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;800&quot;){
return &quot;Hacker Level 1&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;800&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;900&quot;){
return &quot;Hacker Level 2&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;900&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;1000&quot;){
return &quot;Hacker Level 3&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;1000&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;1100&quot;){
return &quot;Elite&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;1100&quot; && $data &lt; &quot;1500&quot;){
return &quot;Uber Elite&quot;;
} elseif ($data &gt;= &quot;1500&quot;) {
return &quot;Too elite to determine&quot;;


Hope thats right :S lol, I'm not too good at it.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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done :) also i changed "Active" to "Active Poster"

also, i've updated the profile page, so now it will show your rank at the top :)

ghost's Avatar
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That explains why i didn't have any ranking, like wolf

ghost's Avatar
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sShouldn't you change Active Poster to Active User if you're going to integrate points?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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lol, my bad… ok i'll change it

ghost's Avatar
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nights_shadow wrote: lol, me and metsoc30 are too elite to determine.

Is this going to go in our profile as well then?We are so elite is almost hurts!

ghost's Avatar
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Who else thiks we should change that? ¬.¬ Lol, you watch Mets0c30 one day! one day!!!!!! falls in to classic evil genius pose

ghost's Avatar
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One day what?

ghost's Avatar
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One day he will catch up to your level.

BTW Grindordie, you still don't need the bottom bounds checking, although for a different reason than I mentioned. If you are doing elseif checks, that automatically rules out the range from the checks before. For example:

return &quot;Newbie&quot;;
} elseif ($data &lt; &quot;300&quot;){
return &quot;Moderate&quot;;
} elseif ($data &lt; &quot;400&quot;){
return &quot;Active&quot;;

In that case, if you are under 200 you are Newbie, or else if you are not under 200 (so over it), and you are under 300, you are Moderate.... I think you get my drift.

ghost's Avatar
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Grind's right, it's better to be safe than sorry. Also, it makes the code much more readable.

ghost's Avatar
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how much importance is set to posting and how much to point when you get a rank?

ghost's Avatar
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Good job guys.

ghost's Avatar
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I'm not sure about the lot of you, even though this ranking looks good and all, i think that elite should be the top of the rankings. Then, there should be another ranking when you have more points(with the posts) that are currently out there, excluding the extra challenges (encryption and app).

ghost's Avatar
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I dont like the idea of Rank for the reason that were all the same its like why group use different if were the same just like Black hats and white hats at the end of the night were the same thats the only reason we can get along with each other becouse we are the same if i'm wrong then why do we go to web sites and post messages and articles shouldnt we be trying to be more alike then anyone else shouldnt we be all together not in different rankings but i guess people like rankings so we are not all alike for once i know where we are different and this is where

ghost's Avatar
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We are not all the same, nor will we ever be. Why do you want to be the same as everyone else? Don't you cherish your indiviuality? I sure do. I know I'm not the same as you. I'm better than you at somethings and you better than me at other things. Labels and rank are two different things also. White Hat and Black Hat are just labels that no one can really agree on. Ranking is different. It's a quantitative assessment. It's a simple formula, the more missions and post you make, the higher your ranking. Ranking on this site doesn't prove anything beyond what you've done on this site. Ranking also gives people goals then can sense and a further sense of accomplishment.

ghost's Avatar
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I am entirely aggre with this. And about this thread, i think that making a ranking with mixing points/posts is not very reflective to the work we do. Every new user can massively post in each thread and forums saying "me too !" every day. That's my point of view.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah and upgrade the point thingy for Elite and up… There are a LOT of users who are elite… Make it something like 1200 Elite… 1350 Uberleet 1500+ too 1337 :P

ghost's Avatar
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No, because not alot of people will post that many posts.