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A new unique challenge..

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I'd like to start off by saying thank you for those of you who will take your time to read this post fully.

This morning I was reading the Mentor's hacker manisto a couple times over, and then I went on google and began searching for some hacking challenges, I ran across a challenge/game esque sort of thing called Fate.

It's a game entirely built in Borland C++ that is designed to simulate real irc chats, and a linux system.

I then was inspired to take this to the next level.

What if you could emulate an entire network of systems more than just linux. Have like basic, realistic, and encryption challenges (sorta like the ones found here) but build them into a real world example in the form of a game. Then even turn the game into a challenge that will be worth a good load of points if finished.

I have begun working on the basics less than half an hour ago and I have completed the main menu, the coloring system, and now the engine for the terminals are being worked on.

The game will have a continue feature for you to continue your game, but to keep it realistic if you hack, a bank for example, and leave the logs in tact and save the game and dont come back in less than 2 or 3 days, you get arrested when you want to continue your game because you didn't clear your logs in time.

Due to the high standards I'm expecting of this game, and the ammount of work that will have to be put into it, it is almost physically impossible for me to finish this on my own. If I do finish off going solo then the beta version will come by november of this year, with some help and a good organized group of C++ programmers, expect a beta by july at the minimum (this is a very rough estimate, more information will come out as the project proceeds..)

So, if you've made it down to here, now you can read the questions I would like for everyone possible to answer..

1] Is anyone willing to join me? If so please email me at haykuro@gmail.com and We'll talk more.

2] If you lack the ability of programming in C++, then dont worry you can be a beta tester or a member of the idea management team. so same go's contact me at haykuro@gmail.com and leave in the email what position you would like and why you would like it.

Also, feel free to post feedback here, ideas, and other things you might like to see in the game. You can also email me ideas and thoughts about the game.

Thank you very much,

  • Haykuro

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Ah, yes Fate by m101…. http://www.fatetek.net…. brings back memories..

BTW, the game is not written entirley in Boorland C++, thats just what m101 has give out. I heard that he gave the source to a1eio and splintty, but thats just a rumor AFAIK.

Yes, if you guys want some good links check out the following sites:

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You could include somehitng to do with proxy's :) I can't program in C or C++ only python barly so i cant really help, I could possibly be a beta tester :)

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I'd be happy to help out.

I know some C++, I've used it for a while.

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Hi, Why only C++? I am not so good at C++ but I can programm pretty well in ASM. If you give me something, I can make a DLL or something you can integrate into the proggy.


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thomas i chose C++ cuz its my favorite choice for terminal based things, as for ASM you might be able to help code some extensions or graphical themes.

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This post will be edited on a daily bases reporting the progress and changes made with the programming.. its moving along.

Later in this week i will attempt to assemble together the programming team using the people that have contacted me, they will all receave emails telling them where they are at.

–The development team– =Programmers= Haykuro

=Beta Testers= Flake wolfmankurd


January 08, 2006 - January 09, 2006 - I have programmed the main layout for the game and its ready to start getting its terminals added. I am currently working on a windows terminal.

To-Do list: Intro for when new game is selected: 2% Code the continuation feature: ON HOLD Assemble programming team: 56% Code linux terminal: ON HOLD Code windows terminal: 5% Assemble official beta testers version (OFFICIAL BETA): 50% Assemble unofficial beta testers version (DEMO): 4%

Approximate date of beta release under current status: June 2006 (over all time of 5 1/2 months)