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HBH update

stranac's Avatar
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So, umm….

What ever happened to the update to the site that was supposed to come a few years ago? I remember being busy with university stuff and deciding to leave the site until the update was finished, then later hearing that Mordak was sick, but he'd still be working on it.

And now, some time later, I see the site still looks the same, and has as many bugs as ever… So, is the site stuck being on this version, or is someone still working on it very, very slowly?

MrCyph3r's Avatar
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Yeah, sadly Mordak is dead… he can no longer work on HBH unfortunately :(.

/me is hiding from Mordak

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
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You will have to wait and see what's been happening.

More news will following very very very soon !!

MrCyph3r's Avatar
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Wow, I'm drooling… can't wait to see what's gonna happen

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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I'm left in the 'dark' on this one, but i am really curious now :)

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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Alright, it due for some appearance changes and I'm thinking the login verification update will be cool too.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
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Give us more pictures you big tease.

Scar0ptics's Avatar
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looks great!

I'm hoping these changes are implemented soon, I'm anxious lolthumbs up

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

@Scar0ptics we will be looking for people to help test the new site in private beta soon.

Now would be a good time to grab the EM membership :P or just contact rex to be added to the list for private beta for free.

stranac's Avatar
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Thanks for letting us know things are happening.

MrCyph3r's Avatar
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lol Settings page and login looks familiar :P

Also, the profile page is absolutely AWESOME!