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Crash and Burn

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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FreezX + Malganis

More to come tomorrow ;)

FreezX's Avatar
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I think I'm getting into plenty of interesting places ;)

synstealth's Avatar
2,490 1

Very Nice Challenge, I want more! :)

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12


MrCyph3r's Avatar
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First of all I would like to say that I really enjoyed this challenge.

Unfortunately I had little time to play and so i got only one of the boxes, I managed to get the others ip but, hell, i found myself playing with the main website in a sort of a defacement fever.

So, I found the comments immediately:

<!– 'Lulz' I iz so '1337' :)–> <!– jimbob says –> -HBH <!– that the password is right in front of you if you piece it together ;) –><br />

but this one kept me busy for a while:

<!– jimbob says while on playstation3 he saw that 'at' –>

There was a link with an alt tag saying 'Crash and Burn @ HellbundHackers.org', so I searched this particular user here and guess what, i found that user. I wasted some time thinking that this user was the password of some other user on C&B. Well, the answer was much more simple lol.

The Powered by on the footer is… well… it was around 3.30 am :p

I also want to share a line from the sql commands history stored on the first machine, because I find it funny:

update j04zg_users SET password = MD5('@FreezXIsGod') WHERE ID=434;

Nice one @FreezX :)

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

Hahaha I forgot all about that "loves the boaby" comment. tee-hee

FreezX's Avatar
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Yeah, I guess someone was a little sour that I beat them to there ;) Also changed a couple of my other wordpress messages, but that's okay as I don't think they even managed to get into the other boxes. :D

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

When I got access to wordpress I just clicked on a random account in the db and overwrote it , I may have done that with your comments too.

I see you never denied loving the boaby though tee-hee