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First of all I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to apply. Based on the submissions, I've made my final choices. I'm happy to congratulate the following people (in no specific order):** Zephyr_Pure, Fuser and Uber0n**! Welcome to the team!

Sorry for those who didn't make it to the team. However you might not be a part of the team, but you can still be a part of the Newsletter! The Newsletter accepts freelance work! Everyone can send in their freelance work, and we'll take a look at it. In our upcoming (first) issue of the HBH Newsletter, we'll explain exactly how you can participate.

I would also like to extend an invitation to COM, I wonder if he's still interested in proof-reading the Newsletter. If you are, give me a shout!

Again, I'd like to thank EVERYONE for applying and submitting, it's very much appreciated by the whole Newsletter staff.

Zeph, Fuser, Uber0n, see you later!


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I accept the invite.

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SwartMumba wrote: I accept the invite.

May I congratulate you on obtaining this position :). I look forward writing/working with you. Welcome to the staff.

Anyhow, back to the submissions.

yours31f's Avatar
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First off i would like to say that I would like this opportunity and would take this seriously. I would not have the half assed attempts from the past. So now that that is cleared up:

-Age: I am 17.

-Native language I nativity speak English; However, I am also fluent in Spanish.

-Years you've been a registered user on HBH:

I have been a member for a little over a year but, I have been trying to be more and more helpful over the last month or so.

-Small bit on why you want to write

I find this to be an opportunity for me to practice my writing skills and to become a more active and useful member of this community we call HBH.

-Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do?

I would like to write about several categories, although I am not sure if you are allowing that. I am mostly interested in general technology advances. (I.E. How to upgrade your computer, and how the future of technology will change through current advances.)

-Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)?

I have written several papers and a few how-to's for my school. I see this as a way to gain more practice and get more experience in the field. As far as current knowledge, I am a senior in high school that has had AP English all four years with a grade of 93+ though all four years.

-Your three favorite words from the English language?

Past, Change, and Supercalifradulisticexpialidocious.

-Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do.

I love to travel by bicycle. It lets you see everything on the way and you get vital exercise to better your life. It is good to get out and experience new things and new people along the way. Either way it makes for a good day after a long stressful session of being busy.

Well I believe your choice will be the right one on this matter, so decide how you see fit and I will agree with it.

ghost's Avatar
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Heya =]]

-I am 17.

-My native language is English however my knowledge of the Bulgarian language is great.

-Well I suppose I have been here since: April 23 2006 but I had accounts before that, but im not sure how long for. I suppose maybe a year or so.

-I want to write so I can share my knowledge with people on whatever subjects I can.

-I would like to discuss about world economy and corruption on this earth.

-I suppose I don't reall have any previous writing experience, only articles which I've written before (ie. HBH articles).

-3 favourite words would have to be: Fair, Savage, and dude.

-My favourite type of transportation would have to be the bus, because the more people use shared transport (ie. the bus) then less and less pollution will go into the atmosphere, causing less damage to the world, already corrupted by goveners who are pumping waste into the air via PowerPlants and other sources of fuel. This way it also reduces the carbon emissions and saves fossil fuels from becoming extinct. Using public transport can also save people money, the cost of a bus ticket from your house to the city centre, will PROBABLY cost you less than paying for your petrol costs. There are obviously downsides to public transport as well as advantages. A disadvantage, for example, would be the inconvenience of having to get to the bus stop on time, learning the bus times to make sure you're not late and obviously you have the problem of, if you want to go shopping then you can't carry all of your shopping on the bus where as in a car you can throw it in the boot and drive directly outside your house/flat (wherever you live). In conclusion, public transports are generally better for the economy but less convient for everyday life.

Sorry if my post was really sloppy, I didn't really know how to lay it out.

K3174N 420's Avatar
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*Ok Spy, lets post by the rules and see where i get…:)

Whats the worst that could happen ? ^^*

-Age: 22.

-Native language: English.

-Years you've been a registered user on HBH: 1st registered on HBH at; July 16 2006 - 20:12:29 (old account)

-Small bit on why you want to write: To contribute to the site a little more in my free time.

-Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do? Well aardvarks to zymurgy, thats a lot of possibility's… I'm guessing such category's such as Music, computer games or Skateboarding come in that group? I could write for hours on those topics… Though i could write up on more computer related subjects if thats really what you need.

-Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)? Previous writing experiences have really been day to day I suppose, i have never had work published. Yet if i wish to, i can write very well, this does not include the vast majority of forum posts, i rarely feel the need to check grammar or typo's there. As for GCSE results in English and English literature, I got A- and a B+.

-Your three favorite words from the English language? Hmm… Money, Drugs and Satan?

-Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do.

My favorite animal is the the dog. Mans best friend, a canine companion that will be the most loyal creature in existence when treated with respect. A creature that if danger were to arise, would blindly sacrifice its very life for the protection of his master.

ghost's Avatar
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spyware wrote: -Age (I discriminate on age, so lie if you have to) -Native language -Years you've been a registered user on HBH -Small bit on why you want to write -Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do? -Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)? -Your three favorite words from the English language? -Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do.

  1. 26 Years Old

  2. English / PHP

  3. 2 Years

  4. Because it's all I can do to affect change right now? :)

  5. I want to write my perspective on the pieces of change here as steps in the whole process of change. While I aim to review activity objectively with that in mind, I'm always open to contributing in important discussions.

  6. My articles, my reviews in other people's articles, all of my forum posts… I've also been through 4 years of college, writing term papers on various computer-related topics.

  7. "Change", "contradiction", and "moron".

  8. My favorite pieces of furniture, since they are related, were my two desks at my last job as a Network Admin. Why were they my favorites, you ask? While they were both quite nice and organized, they support the most beautiful setup I have ever had: two 22" monitors, three 19" monitors, a computer housing an AMD 6000+ with 4GB RAM, and another computer housing an Intel Quad Core 2.2Ghz with 4GB RAM. When you compare it to that, it's like putting a golden toilet seat on the crapper. :)

Edit: Spaced out the answers to make them easier to read.

ghost's Avatar
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Well I'm hoping to write about gaming (New games and stuff about them, reviews of top games, also some main facts about new (or soon to be) games that I'll gather from various sources and put together) So if you're not going to want that, just ignore the rest.. if you are.. then here's my stuff:

-Age 17

-Native language English

-Years you've been a registered user on HBH Between 1-2

-Small bit on why you want to write To let people read it. Opens HBH to a wider variety of things if I write about gaming :)

-Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do? Again, gaming. Consoles, PC, events, news, previews.. etc..

-Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)? Don't really have any, although my spelling (apart from typos) and grammar are very very good, or at least so I'd like to think.

-Your three favorite words from the English language? Amazed, Intrigued and Passion

-Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do. My personal favorite method of transportation has to be walking. It's clean, efficient, cheap and yet still gets you where you want to go. What if you want to go far? Well, I never said it was the best transportation. It's just my favorite. Try it, you'll love it!

ghost's Avatar
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EDIT: I don't know if I even needed to do this, but this is for freelance…

spyware wrote: -Age (I discriminate on age, so lie if you have to)


-Native language


-Years you've been a registered user on HBH

registered < 1 yr

-Small bit on why you want to write

I was a writing major before I left college for self education of web development/security. I love to write, and do so often. I want to get more into the current issues of security and I think this would be a great chance to do just that.

-Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do?

current events that are obviously not already covered in the news section of HBH.

-Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)?

Wrote for my high school newspaper a lot, and took several writing courses in college. Another plus is that I have never posted anything in l33t speak…

-Your three favorite words from the English language?

Google, polymath, hydrocodone.

-Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do.

A creative account of riding a moped:

The moped has, and always will be one of the finest methods of transportation I have ever used. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow could keep me from riding where ever I was required to go. With a shiny red paint job and metallic rumbling muffler I got laid; a lot. With helmet, gloves, and goggles I single handedly brought sexy back to my people's small town lifestyle. Though I wrecked twice, once from rain, and again from ice the moped showed me what it was to live for a long two years; until it died. I love you moped and never will I forget you. boohoo.


ghost's Avatar
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Spyware I think it's grate that you want to create a Newsletter for HBH. I hope I can be part of it and I hope my English is not too bad.

spyware wrote: -Age (I discriminate on age, so lie if you have to)


-Native language

German/Czech/VB6/VBS/and a little bit of English

-Years you've been a registered user on HBH

registered for less than a year

-Small bit on why you want to write

Why I want to write? Hm. Mainly to inform other people, but also because when I write an articel I make more reasearches so I learn to. Don't learn to hack, hack to learn =)

-Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do?

I am really into RAT, Worms, Virii and Progrmming. But Cryptographie and Steganographie is a thing I could write about. I think I could write about almost everything. Give me a topic, I will make researches and write.

-Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)?

I wrote some stuff for the school. I also write for some german hacker forums like dlbaze.org and a non public forum darkenedcore.net. But now both are down.

-Your three favorite words from the English language?

faith, loyality, overwhelming

-Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do.

My favourite method of transportation would be beaming, because it would go fast and it wouldn't cost so much. Everyone would have the chance to travel all around the world and hasn't to sit for hours in an airplain.

Greetz NoPax

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moshbat wrote: Mr Futility PM'ed me. I accepted his offer.

Welcome aboard the team :). Looking forward to work with you.

Now, back to the submissions!

fuser's Avatar
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I hope there's still room for another one:

Age: 18

Native Language: Malay, English is my second language, and I'm more comfortable with it.

Years on HBH: 1 year

Why would I want to write: I like writing and I'm thinking of more ways to contribute to this site.

Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do?

Maybe a column ;) . But I can try to write on any topic or section that the editors throw at me, but I usually prefer given power to write on anything I'm interested on, but I usually need a push since I tend to slack off.

Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)?:

I've written my opinions to newspapers (one is about on how punk rock should be given a better light then the usual thrashing it gets from the media for no reason), fanzines (on how corporate sponsorships isn't really the best thing for the independent music scene) and a letter to PC Gamer on how technical improvements hardly constitute as progress for gaming (which received "Letter Of The Month" award) and some of my essays on how reading is important is used as an example in my old High School on good writing.

Your three favorite words from the English language?

Hmm….psychopathic, ironic, and hitherto.

Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do:

I think my most preferred method of transportation has to be the light railway, since it is an economical way to travel between my town to the various parts of the city, and to my college. I pass my time by observing my fellow passengers, and also by listening to music and reading. It is more ecologically friendly and I'm not the kind of person that likes to rush around, unless I happen to be in an emergency. If the railway takes too long in case of an emergency, I usually take the taxi or bus, to save time, with the disadvantage of having to pay a hefty pay rate to the driver.

spyware's Avatar
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This thread will close in EXACTLY 24 hours. This means, tomorrow, I will announce those who 'won' a staff position.

Anyhow, I want more submissions. If you are interested, please do apply for a staff position!

ghost's Avatar
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-Age (I discriminate on age, so lie if you have to) : I'm 16 years old.

-Native language Arabic, I speak French and English very good as well.

-Years you've been a registered user on HBH 1 year

-Small bit on why you want to write Turn The ideas in my head into helpful,interesting text.

-Another small byte on what you want to write about (this can be anything, from aardvarks to zymurgy). News, a column, discussions, what do you want to do? News/column. It doesn't matter which topics.

Previous writing experience (Don't link to your HBH profile)?: Wrote some articles for my school and for some forums.

-Your three favorite words from the English language? Propaganda, Conspiracy, End.

-Last but not least, please write a small text on one of these: favorite animal, favorite piece of furniture or preferred method of transportation. Just a paragraph will do. In my country, We don't have much transport methods. So based on this, I choose my own car as my transport way. My car is waiting for me whenever i want to leave. It doesn't nag and it doesn't leave me away if i arrived late. Moreover I can listen to my own type of music and take my girl with me.

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Bumpity bump. Thread's almost closing, last chance people!