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The OS wars( Linux vs Widnows).

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THE OS WARS! (Linux vs Windows)

The world has grown up on Bill Gates, Microsoft and Windows however recently more and more of us are turning to Linux. Linux an operating system said to be like the making love to a petit French virgin; it's a smooth running, open source, unix based, system( I can really see the similarity), while it lacks the universal compatibility and user friendliness of windows, it instead provides you with a powerful versitile tool to make your PC your slave, with Linux you get to make your own choices however with windows you get a friend, something to make the complex world of computing that little bit easier. You just need to figure out which you want.

Now most of you will be expecting me to spend the next page ranting about how Microsoft is evil, how Windows never lets me do this or that but I'm going to start with Linux. Although it is smoothing running more than 90% of the time it can be very tempremental, infact while writng this article I lost all my work about three times due to crashes and hanging, thats not all. Linux lacks many of the software amenities we take for granted with windows, the compatibility means there is a wide range of games and utilities that just isnt availible on linux also means that if you are looking for somewhere to play computer games Linux probably isnt for you, although, it is true it is a less 'resource intensive' OS meaning you have more memory and processor power to use on a game. Further, the command line nature of Linux means if you are a regular user, with no need to have so much control over your system, then linux is no more than a pain in the neck for any non-speciaised tasks it will only work to increase your work load two-fold.

Now on to Windows, Windows is commonly seen as the evil Microsofts and the Devils love child wreaking havok with the computing world infact if you use windows you are a 'n00b' and must try to hid it for the rest of your life or risk being tar and feathered. I've seen it plenty of times, some one asks me which OS I use and I say Ubuntu, slackware or which every I have decided to experiment is it the moment they hear that its not windows they go weak at the knees, why does everyone hate Microsoft? The answer is simple, some people think they are too special to use windows, they feel that it's too normal, I mean it's good enough for the regular user but not for them. This shows a total lack of understanding for what a computer is desinged for, it is not designed challenge you: When you master windows you should switch to linux because windows is too easy but, because you want to learn and the sad fact is most switch to Linux without an idea of what its about.

Linux is a totally different, many will say that is the point of the switch but you must realise as I said earlier we have grown up on windows, the world knows how to use windows and up to now I have met very few people who can use Linux just as effectivly my point is if there is no need to switch then don't dont let the high and mighty amongst us make you feel small or any less then them for using windows, you dont need Linux. Don't let the tide leave you standed on the linux island, make your own choice.
