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Set a wallpaper @ Xp machine by script.

ghost's Avatar
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hey every1. B)

i got a problem. the place there i work we have win 2k. they work fine whit our policys. tho we are in the phase to go over to xp plattform. so the policys doesnt work on xp….

so now i need a script to be run at those xp machines to set a different wallpaper than the one on the 2k machines.

and no i wont make an other policy. (just working here for the summer… ;))

Any ideas?

Greets T0bbz0n

ghost's Avatar
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Check google, a few days ago I came accross a site with a bunch of articles, one of which was about this.

ghost's Avatar
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i searched before i made the thread… know where it were?

ghost's Avatar
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I found the code, it was actually designed to change the background when the desktop properties window is disabled.

Dim strFileName, strPath, strFilter

msgbox "Information:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Following this message box " & _
    "a dialog box will open, choose the picture you want to set as " & _
    "the desktop wall paper and click open", VbInformation, _
    "VBS Wallpaper Change - Info"

strPath = "C:\"
strFilter = ""
sFileName = openDialog(sPath,sFilter)

if sFileName = "" then

    msgbox "Desktop wallpaper file not specified, Wallpaper not changed", VbInformation, _
    "VBS Wallpaper Change - Error"


    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    ' update in registry
    oShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper", sFileName

    ' let the system know about the change
    oShell.Run "%windir%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters", 1, True

end if

Function openDialog(sPath,sFilter)
    Dim oCD, intResult
    Set oCD = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
    oCD.Filter = sFilter
    oCD.InitialDir = sPath
    oCD.Flags = &H80000 + &H4 + &H8
    intResult = oCD.ShowOpen
    openDialog = oCD.FileName
End Function 

Save as whatever.vbs

I'm sure you can tweak it so that it forces a certain background picture at user logon ;)

ghost's Avatar
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thx man that perfect! ill be back if there is any problem ;)

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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This is also a good script to set up if you want a random background every time you log in. Just add a small set that will randomly choose a number from 1 - 10 and have all those numbers assign to a different background. again you will have to substitute your openDialog bit as well and know about VBScript