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Crashed computer

ghost's Avatar
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A computer of mine crashed. And one of the boot files is damaged or missing , but i don't have the the cd for reinstalling windows xp.

Can some1 help me ?

ghost's Avatar
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er can you start in safe mode and find whats missing?

ghost's Avatar
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Is that the error message you are getting. Something like: "Problem starting Windows, x file is either damaged or missing"?

ghost's Avatar
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My computer doesn't come that far it shows this message:

Windows can't be booted because this file is damaged or missing: \WiNDOWS\system32\c_850.nls

U can try to fix this file by starting Windows Setup from the original CD with installation files Choose 'R' in the first screen to start the fixing procedure.

It's a translation so it can be a little off.

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Grab a copy of that file somewhere, off the net if need be. Boot into another OS and copy the file to that location.

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The only OS installed on that computer whas Windows , or am i just being stupid now ?

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n_s means boot from a linux liveCD or similar.

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Can i also put it into a CD . Because i don't got diskettes anymore

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Download the file to a USB memory stick or something, and boot from a LiveCD, and copy the file over. If you need to, you can burn the file to a CD (kinda wasting a disc though)