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Trend ChipawayVirus(R) on guard ver 1.65

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Hello guys!

I have a problem on my other computer. Every time I boot my comp I get the message "Trend ChipawayVirus(R) on guard ver 1.65" etc. Is this some kind of bios virus or virus control? I remember changing something in the "Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility". But I don't remember what. =(

My computer gets a little bit freaky and freezes sometimes. I didn't know what to do so I turned off autostart things at "run msconfig".

If anybody knows how to solve this problem, please help me. Thank you guys.

P.S. Yes, I have searched google, and have found out that it is some kind of virusscanner. But nothing about how to get rid of this problem. =/

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idk what chippaway is. google it. as for msconfig. make sure u didnt turn off any windows processes that are neccesary

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Trend Chipaway is a boot up virus scanning utility that is just about useless. It comes mostly on older computers. I have it on my IPC computer which is really old. It doesn't do anything and will cause more problems then it will solve if you try and delete it. I recommend ignoring it.