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John problems

ghost's Avatar
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When I start JTR using the drag & drop (txt file onto john.exe) it says: Loaded one password hash <DES blah> - so that's good. But it won't start cracking unless I button-bash on my keyboard (if I press a few random keys) it returns 1 line that says: "guesses:0 time:0:00:00:41 c/s: 234234 trying: "word" - "word".

But it does not continue cracking the password.

I am using JTR on a windows xp (SP2) machine.

Can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance


ranma's Avatar
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I have had the same problem. I pmmed a guy who had already completed this challenge and this is what he said:

you need a bigger wordlist. download cain and abel (just google it, you'll find it) then install it and go into its dir in program files and copy the wordlist. it should just be wordlist.txt…not sure which folder it's in, you may have to do some searching. anways then go paste it in the JTR folder, then redo the whole command prompt thing and add this argument:


wordlist == the text file you copied from cain.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Ok, button-bashing doesn't crack it, it is cracking but you don't see the word it's trying unless you hit enter.

ghost's Avatar
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Yup, opnline documentation is of no good :p

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thanks you guys :D