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Hey yall, my firefox has been acting up really bad….like when i go to type it jumps from line to line,and its a lsonot loading correctly any ideas?

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Hackthis59 wrote: Hey yall, my firefox has been acting up really bad….like when i go to type it jumps from line to line,and its a lsonot loading correctly any ideas?what is fire fox?

SySTeM's Avatar
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Fire Fox is the best browser in the world, if you use IE then I am ashamed

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system_meltdown wrote: Fire Fox is the best browser in the world, if you use IE then I am ashamedi dont even know what an ie is.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Internet Explorer lol

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system_meltdown wrote: Internet Explorer lolsorry. that all my school has so thats all i know.

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Dont u have internet at home? Suprised ur school lets u visit hbh :P

And yes I had this problem, you need to turn off Java, and it stops :P Happened to me when playing online browser games (back in the days of runescape.com), and really annoyed me ;)

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thanks all, i dk what happened but i ended up unistalling and reinstalling and that worked, but still thanks :)

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Firefox is the cream of browsers, I hate the fact I still have to use IE at school.. so.. very.. bad.

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actually, i woudlnt get so worked up about firefox. i mean, yes it is a really brillant browser, but the latest Internet Explorer (IE 7 Beta) is actually really good.

When it is released publically (i think the same time Vista is released) it has been said to be the MOST secure browser created so far.

This is because it basically puts all the IE components / cache etc into a kinda virtual space. So even if spyware does appear on a website and downloads onto your comp, it only gets put into the virtual folder, and once IE is closed, the virtual space is emptied.

i think this is a brillant idea, and when IE 7 does come out, i can see alot of firefox users starting to favour IE.

SySTeM's Avatar
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I've got the IE7 Beta aswell, I mean yeah it's ok, but Mozilla LlamaDuck I mean FireFox is the browser for me

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Firefox are also bringing a new release out (2.0) which should be pretty amazing. I haven't tried IE7 though so I don't know about that, maybe I'll use it for a while when I get Vista.

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well i don't like the idea of those 'tabs' aren't they kind of 'stolen' from firefox? but that virual space is a great idea! (did MS realy came up with this all by them self??)

i've i'm luky i may get my hands on a Vista Beta 1 next week B):D:D i realy seen some vista stuff over at my friends house. they have IE7 as a standaard browers with comes with the installation of vista. and they have smoothed there tabs in the explorer abit (looks rather nice) i didn't realy noticed outher changes.

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To be honest, Im not liking Firefox a lot lately… it's great for fast computers, but it uses up so much memory that my pc lags sooo bad when using it… plus it wont sign me in on HBH. Using the Mozilla browser a lot more now :P Not as nice, but at least it lets me sign on XD IE wont let me sign in either :(

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Firefox is really basic for IE at least you have more things you can do more downloads in my opionion IE is the better choice ive gotten to know IE a lot more now that Firefox isint working on comp and I really perfer IE

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There are so many benefits to Firefox and so many deficits to IE. I'm not even going to start listing them.

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yes but FF is so blank

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hacking_noob wrote: yes but FF is so blank no it isn't havent you ever heard of extensions and customization????

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yes but their is WAY MORE in IE

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hacking_noob wrote: yes but their is WAY MORE in IE

how so?????

ranma's Avatar
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don't ya think this is kind of getting off topic?

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Mr_Cheese wrote: When it is released publically (i think the same time Vista is released) it has been said to be the MOST secure browser created so far.

MS say that about all their stuff?

This is because it basically puts all the IE components / cache etc into a kinda virtual space. So even if spyware does appear on a website and downloads onto your comp, it only gets put into the virtual folder, and once IE is closed, the virtual space is emptied.

Where would they find the space for the virtual space ;)

i think this is a brillant idea, and when IE 7 does come out, i can see alot of firefox users starting to favour IE. I cant see that happening.. but probably cause im not very Microsoft :)

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how so? Because IE rockors

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the new IE sucks balls! they changed the layout completely and its a pain in the ass!!!!! i whish they just left it and added the tabbed browsing other wise i may of used it alot more and plus it didnt have all the neet extensions wich firefox has and it isnt opensource!

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I prefer Firefox to the new IE. But then, I hate microsoft. So yeah.

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I just run both browsers personally. But i do prefer firefox, as well as use it a lot more.

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system_meltdown wrote: Fire Fox is the best browser in the world, if you use IE then I am ashamed firefox is far from being the best browser in the world, its bloated