Old HP Omnibook 6100
After struggling with the poor, dying HP notebook, my parents and I deemed it dead. Its using (The horror!) Microsoft 2000 professional (insert theatrical scream here), and I pretty much figured there was no hope.
Until tonight when, after transfering my mothers last files from it, I stopped to think about it. I cleared it with my mother, and I now have full reign to do whatever I want with it, pretty much. It needs a new battery, and probably could use a new power cord.
My question is; Anyone have any ideas of what I can do with the damned thing? I'm considering deleting everything and putting Windows XP with Dell disks into it, and using it for my own purposes, but I'd like to upgrade it with a larger memory, get it running better. Is it possible?
Thanks to anyone who takes the time and answers this; I really, really appreciate it. (Side note; No way in hell did my family buy it. It was given to us by my mothers employers, and she's never asked for it back) :D
If you arn't hooking it up to the net, dsl will run on any pc that can run windows98 and up.
Else you could try out alot of linux distro's but like scankyfrank suggested you will get the most out of it if you install linux on it, cause you can choose how much linux you need running on it. If you haven't allready tried linux go for a live cd first and see the difference, great chance to try it out as well.
Let me know how it went and what you decided on ;)