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Stegano 16

mikispag's Avatar
=> Penguin in black <=
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I used a HEX editor on the image and I've found out that there is another little GIF image attached to it.

The problem is that I'm completely stuck on it: I tried converting it to a PixMap replacing the dots values with 0s and 1s with no luck. Do the dots colors mean something? Should I care about them? :happy:

Thanks to anyone who replies ;)

ghost's Avatar
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ive not done this yet, and i might be wrong but it looks like u could use a vector graphics pacakege to remove the yellow bit?

maybe thats a spoiler please delete if so, sorry !

mikispag's Avatar
=> Penguin in black <=
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Thanks for your reply, but I've already tried… It is not possible that way :(

I think that the hidden GIF bit is the right way, but…

ghost's Avatar
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i've done it yet it is not too hard you don't need some special programs, you need only two things…program like pspad(hex view) and you brain, try think what you see when you open it…if you still need help you can pm/im me

mikispag's Avatar
=> Penguin in black <=
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Got it! Thanks! :D

ghost's Avatar
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lol for a second i got scared of this challenge. but it turned out to be simple after i realized windows ships with a program to do what i wanted..

nice challenge. very creative =)

ghost's Avatar
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mistake25 wrote: i've done it yet it is not too hard you don't need some special programs, you need only two things…program like pspad(hex view) and you brain, try think what you see when you open it…if you still need help you can pm/im me

i used pspad as you said. i switched to the HEX view but all ive got is one line of numbers and GI***** on the right. am i doing it wrong? please help its the only stegano challange i havent done yet!

Zer0Man's Avatar
Greyhat in Training
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I'm also trying to use PSPad (Hex View), can see the Hex and tried stuff with it but getting me no where… :|

Any tips/hints please?

Thank you in advance, Zer0Man

arcane's Avatar
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I am also stuck on this - I got pspad but seem to be getting no where :(.

Any tips to nudge a newbie in the right direction?

NightSpyder's Avatar
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I second that. I just downloaded this program and i opened it in the hex view and I see absoultely nothing that would help me with as far as the password to the challenge. Any tips?

ghost's Avatar
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Can you guys tell me in which character encoding i should save it.. in UTF-8 and ANSI i just get those fucking squares everywhere.. ruining my picture