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Stego 25, 26 and 27

Euforia33's Avatar
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Now that I'm a regular user, I can offer to help more regarding the challenges that I have created. If you would like any hints or to be pointed in the right direction with regards to Stego 25, 26 or 27, either message me in private or ask here. I also have some new, fairly easy stego challenges and some new encryption challenges. Some of them can be done right here through the forums but one or two may need to take you to an external page (I will ask permissions from admin first). Rex, Mordak, Korg, please check this post.

Many thanks. Euforia33.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
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Good to hear man, henry123455789 will be hitting you up soon no doubt for some pointers, at least you can explain them better than me. I dont see any problems with linking the challenges on your site, you should give mordak a shout on skype if hes on, or just post them first, then ask lol.

Euforia33's Avatar
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If henry completes 23 or 24 first, I will gladly help. thumbs up

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
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What if he skips to 25, or even goes straight to 27, will you just cruelly turn him away lol.

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Mordak's Avatar
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Stone Cold !!!

MrCyph3r's Avatar
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Excellent! I think you'll receive a lot of help requests thumbs up

henry123456789's Avatar
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Although I made huge efforts to solve stegano 23 and 24 , I could not solve them without the intervention of rex_mundi who I admire a lot and have respect for him . So now Euforia33 , you know that I did not solve stegano 23 and 24 by myself . Therefore the two questions ,to you Euforia33, are this :

Will you still , after knowing that I did not solve them by myself , give me a push in the right direction if needed or not ? be honest with me and tell me what do you think of me asking help from rex_mundi?

rex_mundi's Avatar
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You were just over complicating things man, once you started looking in the right direction, it becomes pretty obvious what needs done.

You should save that admiration and respect for Euforia33, for any help he gives you on the last 3 stegos, as no doubt you're gonna need it, and there's not a lot of help in the forum.

Euforia33's Avatar
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@henry, of course mate. I don't care which order you do them in, I was bored and just having a laugh.

@Mundi, are you feeling unwell? You are not normally so kind.. ;)

henry123456789's Avatar
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I am over complicating things when dealing with these challenges because after making huge efforts and trying all the possibilities hour after hour and day after day , I reach a phase in which I become lost , saturated , I get an headache and all my brain burns . Really trying to solve hacking challenges is the most aggressive activity that ever exist nowadays

I am , really, an honest person and I would like to be your friend and , as a newbie who is in the beginning of the road , learn from you guys:) . Now I will try to solve the last three stagano challenges . Thank you Euforia33 for your kind reply and I wish you and rex_mundi a nice day .

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henry123456789 wrote: I am over complicating things when dealing with these challenges because after making huge efforts and trying all the possibilities hour after hour and day after day , I reach a phase in which I become lost , saturated , I get an headache and all my brain burns.

Welcome to the party bro lol

P.S.: It is not a shame to ask for help when you are stuck.

henry123456789's Avatar
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thank you :) I will try my best man

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MrCyph3r is right, everyone has had to ask for help at some point or another, even me! I prefer my clues cryptic though, it adds to the challenge but that's just me, so I may come across as such sometimes but you can just ignore that :)

There is a difference, there are the people who try everything and fail, like most of us have, and after the head banging the keyboard phase, we ask for a little guidance. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Then, you have the people who don't make any effort at all, bitch and whine and then just straight up ask for passwords. <<< These people, well, I think we need to bring back a HoS…

@henry, are you looking to do st25 or have you done it already? That one isn't too difficult so I will be surprised if you need any help with it, though if you need it, you know where I am.

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From: Euforia33 Date: Feb 12th 2013 - 01:38:21 Subject: Basic 1 stuck !!!!! What"s the password for basic one rex ? It"s been changed and I can't find my notes to see how I did it before.

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LMAO! you knob, you said you would keep that message secret!! HAHA tee-hee

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"@henry, are you looking to do st25 or have you done it already? That one isn't too difficult so I will be surprised if you need any help with it, though if you need it, you know where I am."

I am still on 25 . I did not solve it yet . I finished the first part and found the blocks then tried from left to right , top to bottom with many combinations but I cannot find a password that makes sense . Only a random chaotic letters that make no sense and sometimes other weird characters like @ , } ~ and so on . I even tried to reverse the blocks : west , east , north , south . Anyway I am still working on it :) . I will try more and more .

ps = at the present moment I do not need a hint . I will try first something

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As expected I failed . Euforia33 I will sent you a message so that I do not spoil .