Steg 5
LiquidMetal wrote: i dont remember seeing a "form" that it was in. all i saw was that you save it in photoshop as some diff file extension (which i can't figure out which it is), then open it up in the hex editor and change a couple things around.. :ninja: LiquidMetal wrote: quick fix? no, i'm just not as elite as you, obviously. Quit playing the hurt puppy and go read the fucking article until you understand what I meant by "what form it's in". If you don't understand that, you won't be able to solve it, no matter what you do.
The stegano's are just puzzles, same with a lot of the challenges. Reading the HBH articles are not a qualification like you would put on a resume either. If you want help with a challenge, tell what you tried, and tell what you think is going on.
The article is rather straight forward. Actually a lot of the stegano articles ruined the "puzzle".
I think this thread is pretty much out of juice.