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Steg 5

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I read Samurai's article on this mission, but I've tried a lot of things and i still cannot find the answer. can someone give me a hint, or pm me or something? Help would be appreciated thanks.

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If you read the articles, you know what form the steg is in. Now, you just have to work it out. I used a prog to process the image based upon whether a single pixel was black or white… then, it outputted the results and I dumped that into a site that could turn it into ASCII. Work at it.

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i dont remember seeing a "form" that it was in. all i saw was that you save it in photoshop as some diff file extension (which i can't figure out which it is), then open it up in the hex editor and change a couple things around.. :ninja:

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That's because you skimmed through the article looking for a quick fix. Go back and read it this time.

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quick fix? no, i'm just not as elite as you, obviously.

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LiquidMetal wrote: i dont remember seeing a "form" that it was in. all i saw was that you save it in photoshop as some diff file extension (which i can't figure out which it is), then open it up in the hex editor and change a couple things around.. :ninja: LiquidMetal wrote: quick fix? no, i'm just not as elite as you, obviously. Quit playing the hurt puppy and go read the fucking article until you understand what I meant by "what form it's in". If you don't understand that, you won't be able to solve it, no matter what you do.

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LiquidMetal wrote: quick fix? no, i'm just not as elite as you, obviously.

No what's obvious is the answer in that article, and your lack of patience

You're looking to play with "raw" data. There by getting the message. Doesn't take an elite to solve that problem.

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The stegano's are just puzzles, same with a lot of the challenges. Reading the HBH articles are not a qualification like you would put on a resume either. If you want help with a challenge, tell what you tried, and tell what you think is going on.

The article is rather straight forward. Actually a lot of the stegano articles ruined the "puzzle".

I think this thread is pretty much out of juice.

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maug wrote: If you want help with a challenge, tell what you tried, and tell what you think is going on.

I think this thread is pretty much out of juice. Agreed. Let's give the OP a chance to do as you suggested, just in case.