stegano 4 broke
I am sure I have the answer, but it keeps saying try again
here's my code
Dim _s As String = "Flies were floating, recieving acknowledge, stealing feds' letters. Ooh this message. Back: ooh drawings! Will solutions keeps hanging bags there?"
Dim Lines() As String = Split(_s, " ")
Dim LineMax As Integer = Lines.Length - 1
Dim Guesses(LineMax) As String
For LineIndex As Integer = 0 To LineMax
Dim LineLength As Integer = Lines(LineIndex).Length - 1
For RowIndex As Integer = 0 To LineLength
Guesses(RowIndex) &= Lines(LineIndex)(RowIndex)
My answer is Guesses(2) but like I said, I think its broke.
Stegano 4-OK, copy this onto Notepad or Word or something and erase everything but the n-th letter in each word in the sentence. Try a few different things and you'll surely get it…
If you try this formula in theory you will quickly find that the " n-th " letter in every word doesnt work to well . Why not try the " n-st , n-nd , or n-rd " letters of every word till you find the formula that starts creating real words . Since you like coding so much , why not make a script that will do this for you ? Sounds fun good luck . I hope this helps ! I just got past this recently so i dont think its broke !
Tog go bog e , Neqtan