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ghost's Avatar
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does any1 noe a good metasloit tutorial?

ghost's Avatar
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Errr… what has this got to do with hardware?

And for which OS?

Have you tried google?

ghost's Avatar
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Here are some flash videos: Looks like 4 of them. http://www.milw0rm.com/video/ A good few of them are about metasploit. MSF == metasploit BTW .

But if watching someone use MSF doesnt make you an expert at it then you fail at life go play in a road! It should be easy enough

ghost's Avatar
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thank u verymuch

ghost's Avatar
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when i download i and open it it closes the same second?!

ghost's Avatar
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when i download i and open it it closes the same second?!

n3w7yp3's Avatar
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See, I don't understand why posts and threads like this are not deleted by the admins/moderators. They're very simple concepts, and can eaisley be resolved by reading the documentation.

The answer to your question:

  1. Install Perl.
  2. Open a shell (you seem like a Windows user, therefore open cmd.exe).
  3. cd to the directory that you unpacked Metasploit to.
  4. Ensure that Perl is in your PATH and then type:
C:\> perl msfconsole

You've now started the MSF console interface. Typing 'help' will get you the rest of the way.

The bottom line: Read the user docs.