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CD drive swap

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Isnt there a way to swap the first and secondary cd drives? one of mine isnt working and it is the main one I need my secondary to be primary If there is a way to do this please help me :)

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take the case pull them out and switch and also switch the wires or simply kust switch the wires they are on now

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actually has no idea and is just guessing

Possibly open up your comp and unplug the broken one?

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Conaman12 wrote: Isnt there a way to swap the first and secondary cd drives? one of mine isnt working and it is the main one I need my secondary to be primary If there is a way to do this please help me :)

Sure thing, you need to pull both CD drives out, then exchange the master/slave jumpers on them so that the slave is now master. The instructions should be printed on the drive itself. The jumper is a small pin on the back of the drive. It's pretty straight forward. Good luck and PM me if you are still lost.

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sweet thanks that worked