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Uber n00b in Hardware Hacking

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hey guys, i find hardware hacking really cool, and just as interesting as web hacking etc, and i was wondering if anyone could direct me to some sites that are good for n00bs, so that i can understand the basics of hardware hacking, eg boards, batteries, where to get parts needed for hardware hacking, as i would really like to further my knowledge on hacking things like psps, making crazy inventions for a low price etc. Thanks for any help given!

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Google. Google finds all the tutorials you want

I googled a few, like, hack n64 portable <– that ones cool

You should use google

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My advice would be to just mess around as I cannot give you a site (everyone wants to be exclusive these days). But buy loads of second hand stuff experiment open things up see how they work. Try and alter things to make them work faster or better or modify it.:happy:

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lol in a 30 second search around my house i already found my brothers old mother board, theres bound to be some useful stuff on that right?