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Okay, this thread is a bit of fun and i just wanted to see how creative you all are. The idea is .. You come up with a cool mod idea and post it … Ill Show you an example :

*Remote Controll swith (On/Off) *R/C PC (Wheels on the bottem so you can drive it like a toy car :p)

Now your ideas!!!

xD Dotti

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here are my mod ideas:

  • built-in mini bar;)

  • microwave? XD

those would be great ideas for those people who are too lazy to leave the computer for snacks:P lol

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A clone-maker :D so it can make a clone that it goes to school and does everything for you and you can stay at the comp :D

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djdotti wrote: *Remote Controll swith (On/Off) Dotti …did something like that long time ago: using a radio remote I've hooked a reset circuit to a somehow "shared" PC. It was a hell of a fun to reset the PC by remote when others were engaged in addictive games.

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UnTaran wrote: [quote]djdotti wrote: *Remote Controll swith (On/Off) Dotti …did something like that long time ago: using a radio remote I've hooked a reset circuit to a somehow "shared" PC. It was a hell of a fun to reset the PC by remote when others were engaged in addictive games.[/quote]

you could expand on that and modify the PS/2 port so that when you flick a switch it routes the power through the reset switch. Then when they come back and push P to unpausse the game the computer Resets on them!

You could also make a heatsink out of Boron and stick one end on the processor and one end in a nuclear reactor!

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if you are going mini bar and microwave, you also need a mini fridge to keep drinks and snacks and shit,

then maybe also air conditioning, dont know bout you guys but my office gets really hot and it would be cool to control that from my pc.

maybe also toilet chair combo? ahhhh hacking and shitting at the same time… now thats the life!

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Yes, toilet/chair would be the shit! (no pun intended)

Personally, I'd like a raygun-based defense system for my computer, I'm completely paranoid about people having physical access, even though the pass is over 20 chars long, multilingual/symbols also, and I keep a floppy in it to prevent idiots from booting it anyway when I'm gone.

Mmm. for a realistic mod, though… Christmas lights! I might put some inside my computer, right now it's just lonely blue LEDs and LED fans.

Integrate my two monitors together, get rid of the dead space where the cases meet and move the edges of the screens closer, and incorporate my keyboard into the monitors so it's not at a weird angle due to my limited desk space with dual CRTs, maybe. Maybe a telescope built into my computer too? Or I can just use my nVidia Zoom Window on my desktop background (earth seen from space) and look at the pixellated stars and stuff haha.

Punch-card puncher and reader, for good 'ol FORTRAN programming! That would be AWESOME! And I have a couple unused drive bays (this beastly case has room for about 10 drives if i really wanted them that badly !!!)

And a small LCD system monitor on the front. Though that would not work for me, I already have analog volume, temp, and fan speed gauges there, and LED panels like on a jukebox ^.^

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Hmm… A few ideas come to mind.

  • Mechanized PC, walks on two legs and launches Long Range Missiles across the room at the opposition (People in a LAN party)

  • Missile Silo PC, basically the same as above, but without the legs and launches further across the room

  • Easy Bake PC (r), oven in a computer case…goodluck with the overheating problems though…

  • Lasers, 'nuff said.

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A classmate of mine has done something a bit like the RC-mod. He uses his pc as a kind of server, but only when he needs it. He didn't get the magic Power On LAN packet through the router, so how can he turn it on/off over such long distances?

Use a mobile phone! He connected the speaker-out of an old phone to the pc and chose a simple bleeping sound, so when he calls and hangs up his pc goes on, he does it again and it powers off.

Neat little hack I say.

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djdotti wrote: Okay, this thread is a bit of fun and i just wanted to see how creative you all are. The idea is .. You come up with a cool mod idea and post it … Ill Show you an example :

*Remote Controll swith (On/Off) *R/C PC (Wheels on the bottem so you can drive it like a toy car :p)

Now your ideas!!!

xD Dotti

that would suck if you lived anyware near a main road. I used to fly RC planes and you have to be careful as when lorrys go by their radios can and usually do intefere causing your plane to go mad.

Everytime a lorry drove past with its radio on a simlar frequency and the driver was using it, you pc would probably reset then drive away.

iv always wanted to get a bb gun and connect it up to a computer and a webcam so you could have a live bb gun turret.

Just put it in your window and you could spend hours gunning at random people as they walked by. :ninja:

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lol nice ideas there, like the bb gun one:P and nice pic on that PC. but ewwww analog lol jk jk, no offence. And yea @ whoever suggested the mini fridge, i meant for the mini bar to have room for foods and stuff, it'd be a small fridge with drinks and food:P

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ThorsDecree wrote: Yes, toilet/chair would be the shit! (no pun intended)

Personally, I'd like a raygun-based defense system for my computer, I'm completely paranoid about people having physical access, even though the pass is over 20 chars long, multilingual/symbols also, and I keep a floppy in it to prevent idiots from booting it anyway when I'm gone.

Mmm. for a realistic mod, though… Christmas lights! I might put some inside my computer, right now it's just lonely blue LEDs and LED fans.

Integrate my two monitors together, get rid of the dead space where the cases meet and move the edges of the screens closer, and incorporate my keyboard into the monitors so it's not at a weird angle due to my limited desk space with dual CRTs, maybe. Maybe a telescope built into my computer too? Or I can just use my nVidia Zoom Window on my desktop background (earth seen from space) and look at the pixellated stars and stuff haha.

Punch-card puncher and reader, for good 'ol FORTRAN programming! That would be AWESOME! And I have a couple unused drive bays (this beastly case has room for about 10 drives if i really wanted them that badly !!!)

And a small LCD system monitor on the front. Though that would not work for me, I already have analog volume, temp, and fan speed gauges there, and LED panels like on a jukebox ^.^

OMG xD I baught that PC case yesterday :P Its being delivered soon! :P Awsome Ideas Guys, my favorite was the bb-gun-turret :P

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with the fridge idea it could also be used to help cool your computer so you might not even need fans.

with the bb gun idea im thinking of trying it when i get some money. If it works il make a video and post a link but im currently broke so it might be a while.

how about a computer with a fridge, an oven, a microwave, a tv and all that. You could stay at your computer for weeks with a fridge full of food. Maybe even a toilet….

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a real idea right here. a watch that uses wireless card signals to connect to ur PC. so u can turn on your computer and let it warm up enough by time your ready to log on, second i get home i fire my baby up, goes down at around 3:00… so its on for some good hours. no warm up at all.. it would use it ..

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