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i need help with my website

ghost's Avatar
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so i made a learn to hack page on my website unrealhackers.tripod.com (please don't say anything about me using tripod.) [img]webpic.jpg[/img] but when you hit submit it wont take you to the right page. When you press submit i want it to read the password and if it is correct then go to unrealhackers.tripod.com/id7.html, and if it is wrong i want it to go to unrealhackers.tripod.com/id8 ```markup<CENTER><B>Level 1</B> </CENTER><BR><BR>This level is very, very easy but if you can't do it don't ask other people to do it for you. <BR><BR><!– : password is g5r8t5 –> <CENTER><B>password:</B><BR> <FORM action="/id7.html" method=post><INPUT type=password name=password><BR><BR><INPUT type=submit value=submit></FORM></CENTER>

ghost's Avatar
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…Ermm, you won't be able to do a conditional statement with just HTML. Really, you wouldn't even be able to check if the password is RIGHT with HTML. You need some Javascript or something.

ghost's Avatar
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Zephyr_Pure wrote: …Ermm, you won't be able to do a conditional statement with just HTML. Really, you wouldn't even be able to check if the password is RIGHT with HTML. You need some Javascript or something. it already cheacks the password and that was not a sulution if you know how to make it do what i want than just tell me please.

ghost's Avatar
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oh and i don't know if this is aloud but at the moment you can become a part owner of unrealhackers.tripod.com and no it does no cost money:) but f you are a part owner you can help me creat the site and edit it or anything.

p.s. i will soon be becoming a member of tripod and it will just be called unrealhackers.com, org, net, etc.

p.s. #2 if this is agenst the rule just tell me and i will delete it or you can if you want.

ghost's Avatar
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ya dude sorry you cant copy basic 1 and save it as .html

ghost's Avatar
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i idid not copy basic 1, it is my own code with a minor flaw

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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well obvioulsy its not checking the password.

theres no trace of any javascript checking it, and your posting to a .html page. (maybe theres a javascript check on that).

you want to post to a php or asp file etc, something thats server side and can calculate if the pass is right, then redirect to another page.

remember, html is static, you cant get html to perform an kind of calculation.

ghost's Avatar
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will you help me do that?

ghost's Avatar
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if i were to use w3schools what part of it would i want to read?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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read up on php, learn how to script it.

thats the langauge you want to start learning.

that or javascript, but for what you want to do its best to learn php. espically if you want to set your site up properly.

anyway, thread locked. case closed.