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HBHCon Suggestions

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Hey guys, heres some suggestions that I wanted to put out for consideration.

I, like many others I'm sure, live in the U.S., am under the age of 18, and my parents certainly won't let me leave to a "hackers convention" in some other country. So heres some things that I wanted to suggest to keep people like me from feeling left out, and also to keep us educated.

  1. Video tape it.

  2. Keynotes/Powerpoints

  3. Summaries

  4. Video tape it: DEFCON, and many other "hacker-esque" conventions, generally have video recordings of there presentations, and some non-presentation footage. This is to keep those who were unfortunate enough to not be able to go informed. It also builds hype about the convention itself, making others want to try harder next year to be able to go.

  5. Keynotes/Powerpoints: Another thing many conventions do is have keynotes/powerpoints of there presentations up for download to be able to keep people informed of what to expect at the convention, and have some background information.

  6. Summaries: And lastly, summaries. Many conventions have reviewers, or just random staff members, write up a small review of how the convention went, what happened, important things, how the presentation went, ect..

If any of these (especially a video recording) could be completed, I think me and many others on the site would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks alot guys,

  • Haykuro

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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Well me and my mate Ac1d were planning on recording it and uploading it to some site eg dailymotion so thats sorted (i hope) :happy:

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Well i definately agree, id love it if you could record it, maybe make the presentations into one of HBH's podcasts or something. Maybe even do a live online podcast or somethin. Anyhow sounds good, and yeah, i know im handicapped on goin, at least this yr cause i live so far away. The convention would cost me over $500 with plane ticket there and back, hotel, food, ticket etc. Unlike those lucky enough to live near by. :(, anyhow sounds good :D B)

ghost's Avatar
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haha thx guys :)

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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Oi dont forget me :happy:

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haha. in u.s. legal drinking age is 21. what is it in U.K. ?

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Haykuro wrote: haha. in u.s. legal drinking age is 21. what is it in U.K. ?


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lucky. they upped the age here in the u.s. a couple years back.


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dont you think it would piss people off if they had to pay for the convention while everyone else who didn't go gets to see it for free online?

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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Lol its also legal for anyone over 5 to drink alcohol in private households/parties :happy: And where would you rather be in your room watching it or actually there? Exactly.

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I've decided, im goin anyhow. I can bring my camera equipment, i film and edit for a local band, so its top notch, B), that is if the whole filming/broadcasting it idea is all good with Mr.Cheese.

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STOP TEASING! imma bout to cry oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! voh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go!oh i wanna go!oh i wanna go!oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go! oh i wanna go!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

ghost's Avatar
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hey whats up guys. well i live in the US. and my parents dont like hellbound hackers well the hackers part. so ican't go, and anyone know where there going to uploda the video if they do upload it. and Ac1d your pic is rly rly cool what you make it with. wel thanks :-)

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"imask8erhack", if you mean his avatar with "pic", it's ripped off the internet. That gif is very known among the internetters. The image is called "yingyang.gif" most of the times.

use google: "inurl:yingyang.gif" and you will see.

And ac1d, forget the whole cinema 4d thing =] - faker

ghost's Avatar
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I will be around, but not at the con. I will be in London or Brighton at that time, I already planned to go there very many months ago though, so I didn't plan it "for" the con.

I'm not sure if I should drop in :/

SySTeM's Avatar
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spyware wrote: I will be around, but not at the con. I will be in London or Brighton at that time, I already planned to go there very many months ago though, so I didn't plan it "for" the con.

I'm not sure if I should drop in :/

Go for it!!!

ghost's Avatar
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Hm, maybe. But I can't use the pay-pal trash. Is it okay IF I come I can pay cash?

… .. .


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Thanks =].

(is this the first time im smiling when talking to ac1d?, someone make a page at wikipedia!)

ghost's Avatar
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Alright, thanks =] jst use the PM system here at hbh then.

Thanks again.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Ac1d wrote: done , and system , i say again , what drinks do you like so i can buy you one at the Con.

Malibu xD hehehe, cider, beer, etc

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lmao, mrs_cheese. lmao.