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Canadian Convention

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Looking to see how many people in the community would be interested in a Canadian HBH Convention. Mostly just to mingle and get updates in the world of hacking. There could also be other events.

We should see if there are enough people interested and then set up a location. Toronto would be a good place but that would be opposed by those East and West Coasters :P

Lets find out the popularity first then take the next step.

So if you are interested say where you are from and how far you are willing to travel for such a convention.

ghost's Avatar
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I would attend i guess but it would be better if it was in montreal.. lolo

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i'd love to go!

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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That would rock! I might go- if I could get a ride :P. lol. It's only a few hours from my place. I live in Ontario anyways. It would be cool, but really, how many would come is the thing.

ghost's Avatar
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I'm in northern ontario, i'd like to say i'll go but in reality i'd just forget or get lazy

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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AC1D: There was one. Cheese held it. You just missed it because you suck :P

Anyone else interested in this? I am in Southern Ontario and Toronto is the main airport location in Ontario so that is where I was thinking it should be held. But please all you canadians let me know so we can work on something!

ghost's Avatar
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hm…i'm not in Canada, but i'm right under you, i'm in Wisconsin, so I could probably make it to an Canadian one.

ghost's Avatar
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I live in california under the sun, I would go, but can't get a ride.

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Go with Winnipeg; right in the middle. :P (and not too far from where I live) I'd likely go.

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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Come on guys (and gals) we need Canadians (and Canadiens) lol. I think Toronto would be best (not just cuz I'm close) but because is probably the best for something like that…. and, when was the other Canadian one?

ghost's Avatar
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pfff… Canada? Do it in the US and you'll get a bigger crowd.

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Lol, havent there already been several plans made(but not carried through) for a US convention?

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go with toronto i live near there :)

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how bout we make all of these available on video for every1 that cant participate