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To all those who say school computer classes stupid, and school admins know nothing.. HI! im writing this as the rest of my class is being told how to register for this site to do some challanges!!!:ninja:

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COo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0o0o0oLLLLLLLL HARLEY

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woot!!! computers in CBS kick ass!! ha. sooo many people failed the newb test….

ghost's Avatar
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Your being encouaged to sign up!? :happy:

Extra good students should be rewarded with exclusive membership ;), lol :ninja:

ghost's Avatar
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Beaver is going to buy a HBH hoody c0z he is super c0O0L0O0O0O0O0o0o0o0o0o0O0o0O0o0lL

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NOT encouraged… MADE sign up. its part of a computer security module.

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hahahahaha beavers GAY!!! LOOK AT HIS NOSE!!! AHHHH!!

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zalifer wrote: To all those who say school computer classes stupid, and school admins know nothing.. HI! im writing this as the rest of my class is being told how to register for this site to do some challanges!!!:ninja:

hahah ur class?? ur freeking 15/16 years old ya fool!! ur not the teacher!!!! LOL

ghost's Avatar
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Look at your fucking shit head man.

ghost's Avatar
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OI! me and zal taught ye all java for the last couple of weeks. show some respect you yuppy. lol. linky to HBH on our intraweb site… lol.

[edit] sorry for inflicting these noobs and chavs on you [/edit]

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hahahaha no u didnt!!! i thought myself JAVA MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i will rule the WORLD

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zalifer wrote: To all those who say school computer classes stupid, and school admins know nothing.. HI! im writing this as the rest of my class is being told how to register for this site to do some challanges!!!:ninja:

They need to be shown how to register for this site…?

ghost's Avatar
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Look, i never said they were good (or even that they all had basic intelligence). The point is that a school is actively encouraging people to register on, and use HBH. The real hero is our teacher, who knows that hackers are not evil, judging from some of the threads here, a very different perspective from most. And just to highlight that we do have a few good ones, some of them did basic 1-3 and JS 1-2, and it as only 15 minutes today.

My main point is that it shows a move of HBH into wider vistas, moving into the educational league of a school curriculum.


SySTeM's Avatar
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Look guys, it's great that you've been asked to join up etc, but can you please not spam the forums? Forums aren't for conversations, private messages are :)

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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i think its excellent news, glad to see teachers etc are realising hbh's potential and the amount of useful information stored here.

i wish you class the best of luck, and if your teacher has any suggestions to make learning easier here and easier for schools etc, then get him to contact me via email/PM.

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thats crunk:evil: if my school ever tried that they would have probably gotten sued by some fag**** we have in d-town

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system. ur a mod. u can lock the thread if u want. Cheese ill the teacher to email u about the site.