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any musicians here?

ellipsis's Avatar
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i'm just curious.

feel free to listen to my music @ http://www.myspace.com/oppressthebrave

i recorded with my cell phone. pretty indie i suppose, but that is what brings me to this thread.

i need to know what software y'all use or would recommend.

i am also inquiring constructive criticism. so please, feel free to rag or praise.

korg's Avatar
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I have played rhythm and lead guiter for many years now, but only play old school metal. (Slayer,exodus,testament,etc) Don't know what you call that stuff you posted but I think it sucks (Hey you asked) I don't consider people using electonic sound effects musicians.:D

Demons Halo's Avatar
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trumpet is the shit!

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@maug I was referring to the OP, He asked for our opinions and he got mine.

trumpet is the shit!


ellipsis's Avatar
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korg wrote: I don't consider people using electonic sound effects musicians.:D

it's called an amplifier. i have a fender champion 300 (30 watt).

and the first song at myspace.com/oppressthebrave uses the delay function at level 8.

no electronic effects besides the ones built in. i used to have a crybaby wah and a big muff fuzz pedal which also counts as electronic effects.

are you gonna tell me jimi hendrix wasn't a "musician"?

lol. think before you speak.

korg's Avatar
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jimi hendrix Sucked ass. Don't ask for peoples opinions if you can't take it.

Edit: Maybe you need to use a better recorder because it does sound like shit. Listened to it 5 times it sound like your using fruityloops studio.:xx:

ellipsis's Avatar
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korg wrote: jimi hendrix Sucked ass. Don't ask for peoples opinions if you can't take it.

Edit: Maybe you need to use a better recorder because it does sound like shit. Listened to it 5 times it sound like your using fruityloops studio.:xx:

jimi hendrix was a master of his ways. lmao fruityloops? i'm not trying to make beats or anything.

i used my cell phone, the LG Vu. if you didn't see my record label. lmao..

i need software recommendations and not your own delusional belief that those who use electronic effects aren't musicians.

even you use electronic effects :P

what is emitted from your amplifier when you play your generic metal? distorted notes? did you not know the distortion is an electronic effect? lol..

thanks for the pseudo-constructive criticism. but i still need software recommendations..

korg's Avatar
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Yah know I try to be nice to new members but you my friend are a Fuckin' asshole. You asked for opinions and you got it. When I referred to electronic effects i was talking about prerecorded beats or Rhythms. Using pedals are not prerecorded but set to the person using them. It's best you take your ass out of here now or calm down cause you got a bad start my friend.

ChioDoS's Avatar
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I agree his music sucks, Lmao @ jimi hendrix. Lame. He's a douche GTFO!

korg's Avatar
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HEY, No one was talking to you, It's his choice people either get along or not. If he wants to be a dick he'll be gone. So STFU!

ellipsis's Avatar
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korg wrote: Yah know I try to be nice to new members but you my friend are a Fuckin' asshole. You asked for opinions and you got it. When I referred to electronic effects i was talking about prerecorded beats or Rhythms. Using pedals are not prerecorded but set to the person using them. It's best you take your ass out of here now or calm down cause you got a bad start my friend.

korg wrote: HEY, No one was talking to you, It's his choice people either get along or not. If he wants to be a dick he'll be gone. So STFU!

quite frankly it seems that you are the one who needs to calm down :]

i'm probably the most mellowest person you will ever meet. i am simply defending my favourite musician, jimi hendrix.

and by the way, the beat-box is my friend, shelton. lol…

ghost's Avatar
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maug wrote:

favorite bands are agalloch, rotting christ, radiohead, tool, and the chicharones

Its cool to like bands with stupid names =]

spyware's Avatar
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3sec, arguing over my personal, unique perception of something.

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MoshBat wrote: As someone who isn't a musician, you have absolutely no ground to stand on. Take the island rather than the sea, my friend.

My dear man, I play the drums like Holmes plays Moriarty. I would like to believe my musical "awareness" is of such value that I am permitted to partake in useless discussions on HBH.

spyware's Avatar
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maug wrote: The more judgmental you get, the sooner someone is going to realize that you're a baggy-panted, pot-smoking, shaggy-haired teenager that knows nothing about nothing in life. How's my grammar?

Spot on.

korg's Avatar
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This whole thread is personal opinion and taste, But the thing with opinions is there just like assholes: Everyone has one and they all stink. Mr hendrix, Dun,dun,dun,dun your dead.

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Jim Morrison, nice mellow music to listen to when your fucked up. Dude could sing man. Anyway I got to take a big shit,Tell you about it when I get back.

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I`m a drummer Been playing for 6 years

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I play Drums and Bass

korg's Avatar
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You any good at double bassing, Slayer style.

Btw my shit when well.

ghost's Avatar
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Oh no My dad`s the bass player I just play simple stuff like Kornwich I agree is crappy bass I play drums Double Bass I play with a mixture of Joey Jordison George Kollias and Terry Bozzio

korg's Avatar
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I was talking drumming, Double bassing yeah. Nothing wrong with korn though. Try playing slayer angel of death

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Network X wrote: Oh no My dad`s the bass player I just play simple stuff like Kornwich I agree is crappy bass I play drums Double Bass I play with a mixture of Joey Jordison George Kollias and Terry Bozzio

You should try playing Good Mourning/Black Friday by Megadeth, Fucking Hostile by Pantera or War Ensemble by Slayer. If you record any of them make sure to hook me up with a link :evil:

Relating back to the main post, I started playing a guitar about month and a half ago. I by no means consider myself good or average yet. The only thing I can play is a few random song intros, and the tapping section of the one solo. Right now I am trying to get through the song Cowboys From Hell, including the solo(we can all aim to overachieve :p), for my first full song. But, nothing even worth recording, so I shall spare thy ears.