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"hacking" into my car

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I locked my keys in my car just tonight and I'm irritated.

Now that I HAVE to call a locksmith in the morning to get it open.

Thought in this situation. looked at it from the hacker point of view.. My passenger window was loose but since I did a temporary patch up, the window won't fall down now. Back seats don't fold down. basically unless I damaged my car and have to pay to fix it, there's not many options.

The only thing I can think of is that my car does have an automatic lock with a remote. But, that set I lost a long time ago. So I'm looking up how master remotes are made just as some inspiration, Yes I can get another key, and yes I will get one. Its just another challenge for me to solve.

From what I've found so far its going to deal with cryptography, Though the car company is not going to hand me the key to it. If anyone knows anything about it, give a post or PM. I'm still googling

Maybe this will help me the next time I goof up again.;)

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What model car do you have?

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Well your not going to make a remote for it anytime real soon but since you have automatic (power) door locks it's easy. Get a slim jim or coathanger (My personal choice) Pry open the top of the door frame using a rag and a screwdriver (So you don't damage it) then slip the coathanger in and use it on the power door lock button. Door lock buttons always have power so getting in any car that has them is a walk in the park. I have used this trick for years and it always works.

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remote car keys operate a little differently then a garage door. its a kajillion times more complex. first the key sends an encrypted message to the car and the car looks at it and sends something back. I have lots of friends who are locksmiths and the only way you'll get another remote is to have them use a $3000 tool to construct a new one.

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all the cars ive owned have been an older model, so this depends on if your car is new and you can bend or fit something small in the window. Every time I lock my keys in the car I manage to get a metal coat hanger with a hook at the end in the window to pull the handle or the lock. If you have a pull up type of lock you may want to make a device (probabvly out of a coat hanger because of how slim they are) with a piece of twine rolled around the end with a slip knot type thing. I think you will have better luck physicaly opening it then cracking the crypto in the cars locking system.

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My car was a 95 Buick Regal Custom

And the locksmith did the coat hanger trick. wtf, if my mom would not have said "oh you have power locks, better call a locksmith, slim jims don't work". Thanks mom.

I could've gotten it done myself and saved me the last of my paycheck. sigh

I still find the remote something to do.

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Man you should have just quit being lazy/responsible and punched the damn window in.

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K_I_N_G wrote: Man you should have just quit being lazy/responsible and punched the damn window in.

I could do that, but i don't have the money to pay for the window :D. in the mean time my car would get a run through with the random bums that walk by at night, crazy bums will wreck my leather seats :(