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My School IT ppl are NAZIS!!!!:rant:

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:rant … ok, like whats been going on around the country lately, my school has been going through some major 'security' changes. All proxy roots blocked, Alteris client servers(this can control your computer remotely…and its run bu symantic/norton so it cant be stopped…ever). And recently after presidents week a new program was introduced to the system. Its called Eye6. This is a remote screencapure/ video capture. if anyone knows anything about this program let me know.

and just a question to other people: is youtube blocked at your school? cuz it is here and i wanna freakin kill everyone…:xx:

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I dropped out but at my school every web site except google was blocked, crazy filters

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At my school, up until this year even Google images was blocked. But lucky for me, I found several ways around their pathetic restrictive program(s). Maybe I will right an article on some of my ways.

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You have no idea.. Our school has this program, synchroneyes, teachers can lock, log out, and shut down your computer from theirs, they watch your screen in real time, can send you messages which freeze up your computer.. I made an HTML document, with a button, and when you clicked on it, a javascript popup would come up like 500,000 times, or until you closed FF… and got my account on the computers suspended for 2 weeks… They said it was

Retarded IT guy Because of the opportunity for me to cause serious damage to the computers.

And when I got onto the computers from one of the local logins, So that I could finish typing a paper, I got suspended for 2 days..

And yes.. youtube is blocked.. We have this stupid program called websense.. Where you can choose what content to block.. It's so fucking strict. We can't even get onto most government web sites..

Futility's Avatar
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We have a program a lot like the one you mentioned above, but it's called LANschool. They can see what sites we're on, what sites we've been on, lock us off the internet, watch our computers, etc. etc etc.

By far the weirdest thing I've ever seen, though, was when I tried to access the school site (from school) I found it to be blocked for, and I quote, "Educational Purposes." That's when you know things have gone too far.

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Futility wrote: By far the weirdest thing I've ever seen, though, was when I tried to access the school site (from school) I found it to be blocked for, and I quote, "Educational Purposes." That's when you know things have gone too far.


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at my last colledge they have a computer that sits at the intersection of the cafe and lobby so you can register for classes and do other school stuff on the website. now there way of blocking you out was using some default program that comes with IE. all i had to do was go to the tools –> internet options and change the homepage to whatever site i wanted to visit. they also put some lock on thier network so that if you were using a laptop you could only visit the school site which was gay but again you could get around it in a couple of other differant ways.

one of the best things i did there was when i was in the computer lab [i could do much of anything (except Microsoft word)] i found a way to download cain. so i put the arp poison at every second and the network got all fucked up. then i left the room with it running and all the computers were down for 2 days.

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cbhackLF6 wrote: :rant … ok, like whats been going on around the country lately, my school has been going through some major 'security' changes. All proxy roots blocked, Alteris client servers(this can control your computer remotely…and its run bu symantic/norton so it cant be stopped…ever). And recently after presidents week a new program was introduced to the system. Its called Eye6. This is a remote screencapure/ video capture. This isn't being a nazi, it's simply what I would call improved security. ;)

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Similar problem, but after installing portable firefox on my usb stick, i have access to more sites, some are still blocked, but i can now get on here [i am typing this in my IT lesson].

in regards to the programs, gain system[see articles] and close them down?

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Uber0n wrote: This isn't being a nazi, it's simply what I would call improved security. ;)

Mine make me take special vitamins if I want to go on because this one time what I did. Now I'm the Robitussin Monster! rawr rawr, chomp chomp, me doo stupid stuff at school!

Sorry, late night. Lots of home work. And try Google’s translation page as a proxy.

And expect the schools computers to have a few restrictions. The only thing that they know about computers is that they cost money, and that you little hellions can void the warranties in 2 seconds. No offence. My school does the same thing. Constantly blocking email, etc.

spyware's Avatar
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Wait, nazi-references in the FIRST POST? Godwin, you did it again…

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After digging around on our school computers and network here, I've found it to be a phenominal benefit to get to know the IT guys. Most people are really awesome when you get to know them. However recent changes in policy have prompted my IT department comrades to give me a heads up that the school is undergoing major security work, and that it would be in a certain student's interest to delete everything from their network folder, and immediately cease all activties. They appearently are switching to a no tolerance no-BS policy and I've been warned to just keep anything I find to myself, even if it is critical to network security, because they now shoot the messenger.

Either way I'd say tread lightly, and good luck to your endeavors involving the school network.


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-Anonymous0x0001- I agree. I dont tell them anymore anything. I was almost kicked off skool. now the network realy sucks and lags … But Hell, they dont want my help. i want to finish my education. and I think i have to choose the inportant before fun. !

TheSilentDrifter's Avatar
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/start rant At my school they have a software known as lightspeed total traffic control v.6. On pretty much any normal computer it would have been blocked as a virus/spyware. It lags the network down crazy slow, can do all the stuff listed above, and blocks stuff for once again educational purposes. The worst thing it does though is key logs. Which no matter how Nazi is illegal even to do to your own computer. We don't have any privacy. He's locked out all the CD drives, and switched all the desktops to classic view :angry:. It's pretty disgusting i know, but schools are tyrants that drive their own worlds with fear. If you don't fear them they hate you. If they hate you, you hate them back, and thus starts the circle of getting in trouble for some of the most random crap you can think of. /end rant

fuser's Avatar
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my college security measures can be downright ridiculous.

firstly, all searches concerning "proxies" are banned (even though you wanted to research about it)

secondly, they even monitor any connections that go through port 9050 (tor) which I found out the hard way after I noticed that some of the sites (even harmless ones such as packetstorm and textfiles.com) are blocked even after I installed tor on my laptop.

Even certain google searches concerning security is banned.

I can't visit certain political sites such as the ones ran by opposition parties, socialists and anarchists, but I can simply visit the ones ran by the government.

Some accounts at the lab computers (even guest) are passworded; and the admins won't tell anyone what the password was, didn't even help login, and of course they didn't even remove it. (I could've used Ophcrack, but the computers didn't have disk drives and couldn't boot from USB)

but one of the dumb things is that there is this virus called "my heart" that infected all the computers there, and if you transfer files by usb keys, you'd get the virus as well, and the virus always screws up your thumbdrive (to the point where Windows can't access it) and it also rots up Windows.

Another thing is that the computers at the business school is better than the computing&engineering and medical science school. Business Bastards, always get what they want don't they?

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Our school has this weird security thing called "Dragontail". The computer guys are really cool though, and even though they can see when people search "free proxy" on google to go to whatever sites they want, the dudes just chill and don't worry about it. And even if they DID care, we're using a proxy at a site called apbiology.info (LOL). Odds of them finding THAT one out are slim to none. And slim has mysteriously disappeared. :right:

If they ever do find out about it thought, that's where the fun begins. I'd personally love to explore the limits of the security system. Hooray for NOT having computer nazis at your school.

Goes off to look for slim

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I've pretty much given up on school computers. Fuck em, too annoying and your bound to get caught as at mine they watch your screen while your supposedly 'working'. Not many opportunities to do anything.

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Dude, whats up with the topic name. I was about go off how school cannot conduct any things like that. But after i read your post then i was like that is not what the topic said.

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shadowls wrote: Dude, whats up with the topic name. I was about go off how school cannot conduct any things like that. But after i read your post then i was like that is not what the topic said.

Right, I was thinking the same thing. The subject should define what the…well hell what the subject of discussion is. Otherwise its just annoying. Wheres the dude that flames this guy when you need him? Haha.

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Or just rise to the challenge…. your call..

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my college security was a joke, id p0wned the network within a few days of being there by getting a few domain admin accounts and then creating some more. They had a similar remote administration tool called ranger, that i never actualy used, but i stole their copy off the techies shared drive, along with their license key for 500pcs and all the documenation so it wasnt hard to turn off from there. Why would anyone want to use this anyway, when pretty much everything these tools do can be accomplished with a few well coded scripts :-) and dont forget, many schools leave remote desktop on EVERYWHERE, so whats the need. I mean, who cant turn off a computer remotely with a small vbs, or reboot it, or log someone off, or log into remote desktop etc etc Techies that use software like this tell you one thing, their weak. they know bugger all, and u can own that network if you want to!

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cbhackLF6 wrote: :rant … ok, like whats been going on around the country lately, my school has been going through some major 'security' changes. All proxy roots blocked, Alteris client servers(this can control your computer remotely…and its run bu symantic/norton so it cant be stopped…ever). And recently after presidents week a new program was introduced to the system. Its called Eye6. This is a remote screencapure/ video capture. if anyone knows anything about this program let me know.

and just a question to other people: is youtube blocked at your school? cuz it is here and i wanna freakin kill everyone…:xx:

Your subject needs to define what the subject of the discussion is. It'll piss people off and make you look ridiculous. Not flaming, constructive criticism.

-Not much of a flamer so I thought I'd leave it up to anyone who felt inclined to do so.

The-Scarecrow's Avatar
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lol! u know nothing of nazi-isum in skwl.

my skwl (5 year 12's) was soooo strict. our network sucked. portable firefox did the trick pretty good. =P till i got caught…. 6weeks without internet access and i was in year 12… assignments and so forth… hacking the skwl computers was pretty simple, all u had to really do was boot up :P

oh and the admin password was 'staffrox07' and still is :)

oh and i nearly got kicked off the bus for a week for holding my former girlfriends hand. oh and i had to stand next to the teacher on duty for i kid u not, standing to close to my gf… never even touched her. had to have a meeting with the principle about not sitting in my seat on the bus, i moved (while stopped) driver jumped out her tree so moved bak and yeh next day i was sitting in the principles office.

we used to have a garden patch about 100m away from the skwl, (our skwl 2 years bak was being harvested, grain (and yes in the country) so there was still stubble all around) so yeh high winds so the garden patch needed a wind break. we ended up fortifying it and calling it the resistance. funny stuff.

we even used to call the principle the furra (u know the german word…for hitler or watever)

TROY's Avatar
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you want to see my school, The amount of security is ridiculous, anyone would think that it was an undercover base for the CIA or something. Seriously there is no way to get past the security. While im here i need some help if anyone goes to school in the UK you'll know that the company RM have got a new filter and it is impossible to get past. they have blocked all proxies and even if i find a proxy it'll be blocked with a few hours. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get past this filter. P.S i cant make a program they dont allow programs with exe or bat endings

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The security here is lax. I have run batch and C++ programs on the computers there. Even the default administrator account is still there! Oh, and can anyone tell me if they went through the plan to tag UK students with RFID chips? I read about it on Yahoo a couple of months ago. As a matter of fact, I've found the article: http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/devlin/17027

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yea sorry to bump this forum but i had a question

my school runs the Total Traffic Control V6 as well and i was wondering about the remote server connection. Our CAB(central admin building) has all computers hooked up drive sheild and wired with RAT's and internet access restricted with TTC and my freind found the IP of the server

all comps running mac and im not fluent with the commands so can anyone suggest a course of action??

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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Alright I don't know too much about networks but if I were to connect MY OWN laptop to a network jack thing, would they be able to block sites on the laptop?

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yea because you have to conect to their wireless internet which is routed through the server with TTC at the CAB

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well isnt there a way to just disable the software that is blocking everything? Like just log on the a network admin account and turn it off (and you would probably have to be on a certain computer too right?)

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well see thats just it

we have the remote servers ip and im guessing because its all has to do with http it's protected by an .htaccess file but i cant test that vulnerability until september

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a freind of mine did

when the access filter displays it's messages the ip of the TTCV6 server is displayed followed by the filtering code and finally the original blocked url

he spotted this and plugged it into the url and BAM logon screen

also, is it possible to setup an include file on my own apache server that includes access to their server so i can exploit the .htacces(if one is present)???

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well i honestly dont know. I know like almost nothing about networking. Next time im at hastings or books a million im going to get a book or two on networking. :happy:

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i bought one of the hackers handbooks…..doesnt cut it

ive learned from this site in the last month than i have in like two months of reading that book and testing on my own

@night_stalker did you want a new sig i might be able to make you a suitable one for now

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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nah. i will make my own. Is it possible to use GIF images as a sig?

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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nah. i will make my own. Is it possible to use GIF images as a sig?

DeafCode's Avatar
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yea check out fallingmidget's sig

its a halo gif. so yea just thought id ask. i just got the photoshop elements thing on my box:D

Night_Stalker's Avatar
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Ok. I have one but it is LAME! So for avatars it has to be JIF format right? :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:

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The worst thing it does though is key logs. Which no matter how Nazi is illegal even to do to your own computer.

Err… last I checked, it's pretty much legal to do whatever the hell you want to your own computer. If you think dad's using your box to browse pr0n or whatever when you're not home, a keylogger would be damn useful. Just be sure the logs are encrypted well…

Stop bitching about school security. Yes, it sucks. No, you can't really do anything about it (safely) in the long run without risking punishment.

My priorities are school THEN everything else… at least while I'm physically at school, anyway.

In case it's relevant, my school blocks the most stupid things, too. The crazy genius physics teacher has the only unlocked computer in the whole district :D so we watch Youtube vids in there with our uberfast 25KBs down speed! Besides that, you have the school site, google, and whatever doesn't have keywords (or keywords in the ADS!!!) that are blacklisted by the filters. Everything is filtered remotely at the router, so there's not much that can be done locally. Best I ever managed to do was get pages by using hex and oct IP addresses. They filtered those 3 hours later.

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DeafCode wrote: yea check out fallingmidget's sig

its a halo gif. so yea just thought id ask. i just got the photoshop elements thing on my box:D


there ya go. Elements is a POS. I'm sure that ^^ is better than shelling out USD$1000, right?

Adobe, come and get me! :P

DeafCode's Avatar
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its aboout $600 for the entire cs3 package but elements is significantly smaller in diskspace required


i think you can use gif in avatars as well cause i saw one with changing binary in the background

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Besides that, you have the school site, google, and whatever doesn't have keywords (or keywords in the ADS!!!) that are blacklisted by the filters.

That reminds me. one of my friends dad has a program on his computer that blocks site using words on the page. On my myspace my displayname was xXx_Sam_xXx and it would not let my friend get on his myspace because it thought there was porn on the page cause my xXx xXx. lol

ghost's Avatar
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That reminds me. one of my friends dad has a program on his computer that blocks site using words on the page. On my myspace my displayname was xXx_Sam_xXx and it would not let my friend get on his myspace because it thought there was porn on the page cause my xXx xXx. lol

Well if its the url or shit like that use a proxy. Or use the notepad help. Simply open notepad, go to help/helptopics/ and then right click on the window (like where minimize is) and select jump to url. Type in your address and you will be taken there but in the notepad browser so it wont show up. Simply pointing out a way around this, may work may not.

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wait. that wont show up in the internet history thing right?. so at school they wouldnt know if i went to HBH :)

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Night_Stalker wrote: wait. that wont show up in the internet history thing right?. so at school they wouldnt know if i went to HBH :)

Thats the point man. If they have a program that shows your desktop on their computer you may not want to try it. Although if they merely have a program that tells them what programs you'll have open they'll only see notepad. You can do the same with the calculator program.

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Wont work for me king because all requests are handled at the district's router. The do all the filtration there, so there's not much I can do locally. Proxies work, but it's hard to find one that they won't block in a day. I thought about setting one up on my home PC since my IP is dynamic, but my up rate (35KBs) simply renders that useless… I'm not waiting 2 minutes for an image to load, that's for dial-up!