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Hey =]

ghost's Avatar
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Hello Guys,

Just signed myself up as iv been browsing around without an account.

Iv done the first couple of challnges and just working my way through

Hopefully ill learn a thing or two here



ghost's Avatar
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yo, welcome

Futility's Avatar
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Let me be the first (dammit) second to say, Welcome to HBH.

(Just a hint. Getting a mentor might seem like a great idea, but trust me, you don't want to ask for one. It's not worth it.;))

Uber0n's Avatar
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Welcome dude B)

hellboundhackersok's Avatar
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Hey! welcome, you're in for a great time here! lol :D

ghost's Avatar
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I've learned most of what I know about computers here, hope you'll nearn as much or more ^_^


What_A_Legend's Avatar
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Welecome man, If your dedicated this place is a great starting point for you.

Work hard and Suceed..We are all more than willing to help.

fuser's Avatar
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hey, welcome. but don't do anything that can get you banned, k?

ghost's Avatar
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Futility wrote: Let me be the first (dammit) second to say, Welcome to HBH.

(Just a hint. Getting a mentor might seem like a great idea, but trust me, you don't want to ask for one. It's not worth it.;))

You'll probably learn a lot more without one anyway. It may take you longer, but the benefits of taking the slow route are much better. Welcome.

ghost's Avatar
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Welcome To HBH!

use the articles if your stuck on anything

ghost's Avatar
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Best of luck. Enjoy your stay.;)

ghost's Avatar
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HEY man..its good for you to be here…basically to not have people get mad at you…there are about 2 things you need to do before asking a question…GOOGLE and read the forums…and well if you still dont get it…ANY of us would be willing to help…so anyway man…hope you learn alot and never stop.

ghost's Avatar
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What's up my name is krystal and if you need any help in the challenges or whatever you can pm me or im me

ghost's Avatar
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EDIT: It was about my sig, but i remember i didnt have one when i posted the original post =]

Andcheers for the warm welcome guys, looking forward to a long stay

What_A_Legend's Avatar
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This communitiy is finnally beggining to pull together and help new comer's in to the web security.