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Which Team Can I Join ??

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Which team can I join?? IDK which team will let me join so I psoted this open forum topic to see which crew will take me in. I hopefully wanna be on the Emporer team but w/e comes my way I'll except it. B)

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If I were you, post your skills. Your rank here is 'Newbie' and you have a warnlevel, so you have to prove yourself in some sort of way, what are your mainskills, why do you want to join a team, give a little bit of info about yourself..

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Whoa Whoa Whoa alotta hate goin down damn. I have a warn level because I acidentely posted in the wrong forum. SlimTim10 blocked me because I IM'd him for help at the wrong time and my specialties would be JavaScript, HTML and hash hacking.

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insidious wrote: [quote]-Critical- wrote: Which team can I join?? IDK which team will let me join so I psoted this open forum topic to see which crew will take me in. I hopefully wanna be on the Emporer team but w/e comes my way I'll except it. B) about a couple of days ago you were bothering people.. and were asking for mentoring… you even made SlimTim10 put you in his blocked list in AIM… if i were you i wouldnt join a team yet… try to do it yourself… being a hacker means solving things by yourself… heres a tip: USE GOOGLE!!! Search up hacking… maybe you'll learn stuff there. I see you are using a mac OS… try to get a PC.. Windows OS… then after you get to know Windows move into Linux…

Another Hint dont bother people!!! That will surely make a bad rep for you.:)[/quote]

lmfao, yeah, move into sindows… not

mac is more linux than windows. Build a PC and install linux, forget about the windows crap.

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With all this windows, mac and linux crap, I decided I'd make a slogan, check out the sig

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lol penguins eat apples , I like windows though never had linux and i dont really want it

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how bout: Penguins eat apples then throw the core out the window

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ok, on the windows, linux and apple debate thingy…

these are 3 differant os with pros and cons to each… if you are an average user who writes letters, playes games, surfs the net and wants a wide range of software then go with windows, if you want to do this and hack, get a windows - linux dual booter, like mine, i got 1 hdd with windows, another on linux, i choose whic i want on boot up. any good hack probbily uses linux, it is just better suited, less boundrys, more customizable and just better for the job. as for applemacs, i havnt had much experiance with these, though id say there better for graphical work, art and animation, and music to, i wouldnt recomend for normal home use or hacking…

ha, that went on a bit, i might lengthen this into an article…

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keiran420 wrote: ok, on the windows, linux and apple debate thingy…

these are 3 differant os with pros and cons to each… if you are an average user who writes letters, playes games, surfs the net and wants a wide range of software then go with windows, if you want to do this and hack, get a windows - linux dual booter, like mine, i got 1 hdd with windows, another on linux, i choose whic i want on boot up. any good hack probbily uses linux, it is just better suited, less boundrys, more customizable and just better for the job. as for applemacs, i havnt had much experiance with these, though id say there better for graphical work, art and animation, and music to, i wouldnt recomend for normal home use or hacking…

ha, that went on a bit, i might lengthen this into an article…

Mac is better for surfing, email, etc. – less spyware and virii.

windows is best basically just for games, although I can't say it can't be used for anything. There are just better alternatives in my opinion. If you want to mostly just surf, email, chat and game mixed with a little hacker, windows is probably your best choice, because all games are written for it and it still has a decent selection of tools, which I can't reall say about mac.

Linux is our best choice if you want to get into real stuff. lol.

I dont suggest Linux.. YET. When i first tried linux.. i basically formatted and deleted everything on my hd.

lmao, I installed linux for the first time when I was just 11 and it worked just fine. And that was before all the feel good stuff and easy installation that they have come up with in the lat few years. Sure, you actually have to RTFM unlike windows, but that's just because linux is not designed for people who are too lazy to read the manual to use.