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Looking for a Web Wars Team to Participate!

ghost's Avatar
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Age: Young enough to consider any hope of a good pension as futile.

Why Do You Hack: Why would I not hack?

Black Hat, White Hat or Gray Hat: Pink Bowler Hat, with a White Lining

Scripting Languages from Most Knowledgeable to Least Knowledgeable: php, java, c#, ksh/bash then the rest of the usuals..

Programming Languages from Most Knowledgeable to Least Knowledgeable: C, D, C++, x86 assembly

Note Perl is not a programming language!

Nationality: European

Current Points: 0, because I like it that way.

OS of Choice: Anything posix-ish please

Favourite Position in Bed: Uhh, you know when yo.. oh nm there are kids about

Best Challenge: Dropping three pills then trying to talk to a police man without getting arrested.

I want to participate in Web Wars as a team member because if I were to start a team, although the benifits would be [arguably] better for members than those of the other 'teams', I would probably annoy my lemmings too much.

ghost's Avatar
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Uhh this calls for flaming. Dude what the fuck are you doing making an application in my thread? Make your own thread if you wish to apply. You really know how to get on people's nerves.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah but if we start having a flame war this thread will get more attention, and more people will look at your advertisment.

I'm doing this to help you honey, it's all about exposure man.. exposure!

ghost's Avatar
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and then it get locked…..good going

I would be tempted to join a webwars team, but im crap, I can SE (to a degree) but that is it. And in webwars, is that REALLY going to help? naaah. ah well.

ghost's Avatar
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lol…well, flame wars DO keep me amused for quite a while…and i guess it worked cuz i actually read the whole thread!:) anywho, i know i'm really not making much of a point here…BTW Happy Birthday!!

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Age: 14

Why Do You Hack: Loads of reasons. It feels great to tell a friend of mine his site has some serious issues and flaws, and fixing them. Just showing people at school how to get around the filter makes me a known genius :| lol. Well, somewhere along the lines of that.

Black Hat, White Hat or Gray Hat: I would say mostly white. I don't go around "defacing" I rather email the owner.

scripting Languages from Most Knowledgeable to Least Knowledgeable: Javascript, php. Can't say html as it's a markup language.

Programming Languages from Most Knowledgeable to Least Knowledgeable: c#, bought book. Wouldn't say to knowledgable yet, but I'm going to apply myself more to the dedication of reading it through.

Nationality: Canadian.

Current Points: 1035, started not to long ago so not a lot.

Best Challenge: I suppose all the js ones…

ghost's Avatar
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lol SlimTim's gonna be angry

Why don't you just make this a general join a team application thread?

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Yeah sounds good, lets whore ourselfs and web team leaders can pick and mix from whoever they like on this thread.

We love you SlimTim10 for making this thread :D