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[FireCell] Team Formation.

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Hello im justanoob and i d like to inform all of you that i`m making a team with my friends we are not total noobs, we have some experience in programming/hacking any person that is interested to enter in our team post it here or pm me . Thank you. We are going to design/program website/software applications.

AnD RemEmber IamJusTaN0ob :d:d:dd::d

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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Something about a team formation that does not know coding, etc just SCREAMS Script Kiddie.

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bl4ckc4t if you dont want to join why your posting ? spam ? wtf you want guys…. How do you know that i cant code.?!?!?!? How so stupid people can exist !?!?!?!? :matey:

ghost's Avatar
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I hate your numerous, excessive smileys. I hate your numerous, excessive trailing punctuation. Either post more information about what your team will be (attempting) to focus on, or your team is just doomed to suck. If you're going to make a "team", give it a purpose. A real purpose, not just some lofty "we can do everything" goal.

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Aim: Exchange of knowledge,coding and for fun! :happy::happy::happy::happy::happy::happy: I Love You Baby!

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A team of retarded uppity script kiddies. Sounds promising.

rex_mundi's Avatar
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Team Turd .

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SPAM GOD HELP ME THATS SPAM! You guys only know how to spam and flame at HBH…. do you think that someone know you out of HBH? You are know in scene for NOTHING and you flame people… LOlzzzz thats not good….

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iamjustanoob wrote: SPAM GOD HELP ME THATS SPAM! You guys only know how to spam and flame at HBH…. do you think that someone know you out of HBH? You are know in scene for NOTHING and you flame people… LOlzzzz thats not good….

Shut up you moron. You know nothing, and teaming up with those who know nothing as well won't get you anywhere.

ghost's Avatar
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It's really funny to me how do you know that we know nothing ? :D. Oh, dear go out with friends get some girls and relax :) . Your in hacking for years and you don't know the half of that what i know.

Flame war going to be hard when spyware joins.

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iamjustanoob wrote: It's really funny to me how do you know that we know nothing ? :D. Oh, dear go out with friends get some girls and relax :) . Your in hacking for years and you don't know the half of that what i know.

Flame war going to be hard when spyware joins.

I should base my opinion on what? Excessive usage of smileys? Inability to spell like a sane person? Your USERNAME?

You're a fucking NOOB. :)

Enjoy the holidays.

ghost's Avatar
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whatever you say my friend :) . Your Pro and i am just a noob. But tell have you done something cool about hacking ? A? Answer me? Your just little angry kid :D . Just relax.

ghost's Avatar
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whatever you say my friend :) . Your Pro and i am just a noob. But tell have you done something cool about hacking ? A? Answer me? Your just little angry kid :D . Just relax.

ghost's Avatar
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He is right about one thing, half the people on here do nothing but flame. Hope you feel good about yourselves. Actually, it makes you look pretty fucking ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, there are some cool/knowledgeable/HELPFUL people on here, but there are also some immature fuckers who need to grow up and keep their mouth shut if they don't have anything useful/helpful to say. I mean whats the point? Grow the fuck up. Help somebody for a change, what good does bashing do? He didn't ask for your smartass comments. I just don't understand wasting the time it takes to type some bullshit like that. It makes you look worse than him. Merry Christmas, ya fuckers.

spyware's Avatar
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He's not just a poor man. He's a beggar, a thief, a backstabber, lower than low, that's what he is.

If he was here to learn, and enjoy the community he would've been different. He would've acted different. In reality, he isn't different.

He's one of them. Thousands mindless noobs wandering around aimlessly. All I can do is tell them to beg somewhere else. To steal somewhere else.

To stab someone else's back for a change.

Now shut up and learn, idiots.

ghost's Avatar
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I mean look at Zephyr, yea he bashed a little bit but at least he threw in some helpful advice. Some of you ARE just angry little teenage fuckers. lol. Get off the computer for a few minutes and go get some pussy. Go fuck some shit up, like you're supposed to do when you're young. Why all the hate? Damn…

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JPierce420 wrote: He is right about one thing, half the people on here do nothing but flame. Hope you feel good about yourselves. Actually, it makes you look pretty fucking ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, there are some cool/knowledgeable/HELPFUL people on here, but there are also some immature fuckers who need to grow up and keep their mouth shut if they don't have anything useful/helpful to say. I mean whats the point? Grow the fuck up. Help somebody for a change, what good does bashing do? He didn't ask for your smartass comments. I just don't understand wasting the time it takes to type some bullshit like that. It makes you look worse than him. Merry Christmas, ya fuckers.

It makes me feel good to know that there are people that use their brain to think :) .

ghost's Avatar
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I agree with you to an extent…this thread just reminded me of the fact that you all DO do this to people who are genuinely trying to learn and you make them afraid to even ask a question anymore. I'm just tired of seeing it. Whats the point in putting someone down like that? This place is SUPPOSED to be about helping people learn, and people are SUPPOSED to be comfortable asking questions in the forum, now mind you, they should be well thought out, but I've seen people get bashed for asking decent questions, probably by some little fuck who felt threatened because he didn't know the answer. Its pathetic, really.

ghost's Avatar
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It's really funny because all flamers here are know in scene for nothing but they think that are leetest thing in the world :D That why this website is know by the real hackers like noob ground :)

spyware's Avatar
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Yeah, you people live in your own little world then. I'm seriously trying to help you here by saying SHUT UP, LEAVE THIS COMMUNITY AND LEARN SHIT BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO COME BACK.

Since it's Christmas and all, ignore the caps this time.

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iamjustanoob wrote: That why this website is know by the real hackers like noob ground :)

… And you're here? Welcome home.

My previous statement about no concrete goal for your "team" applies still, and has yet to be addressed.

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Aim:For Fun.

This is End of flame war. You Win! :) Be Happy! :happy:

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quote from http://www.hellboundhackers.org/articles/863-how-not-to-annoy-other-hbh-users.html

If you are wrong, admit it. Seriously. We won't flame you for holding your head high and saying "You're right", and if anything, it usually earns you some respect. No person is right 100% of the time, except me, of course**. Okay, when you've just joined up, you're like the new kid at a school: First impressions count! Make them good. Don't assume you can waltz in and start shouting about what should be done, or what needs to be done. Oh, we don't care how good you were on your "old account" which you won't name, because more often than not, it's a pile of lies.

You take drugs? We don't care. Your decision, your life, keep it to yourself, unless asked. It's not cool. You've hacked a load of sites? Same story. If you are stupid enough to boast about your "hacks" in a PUBLIC forum… **Joke

Its funny how so much can be avoided with decent communication… and the lack of it in every day life let alone online.

ghost's Avatar
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Wow. Now you're telling them to go learn and come back. lol. Bro, what do you think this site is for? You've been here longer than me and haven't figured that out? What are the challenges for? They're useless if you know how to do them, and please don't tell me you look 'cool' if you have points. lol. The challenges are for people who DON'T know how to do them, so they can figure them out and learn from them. If you know how to do them already, then its a waste of time. For instance, I could do all but the programming ones, because I'm new at coding. Notice they are the only ones I'm trying to do, because thats what I want to learn. Granted, I only have 1 completed, but I have the correct code for the next 3 challenges done, the server has just been too slow lately for them to work. The point is, this place IS for people to learn, and its a crying fucking shame they have to deal with people like you who bash them instead of helping them. That shit WILL come back on you someday, mark my motherfucking words.

ghost's Avatar
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JPierce420 wrote: I mean look at Zephyr, yea he bashed a little bit but at least he threw in some helpful advice. Some of you ARE just angry little teenage fuckers. lol. Get off the computer for a few minutes and go get some pussy. Go fuck some shit up, like you're supposed to do when you're young. Why all the hate? Damn…

Man, get the fuck off of your pedastool. Quite frankly, you're probably just some douche pothead. Here:


That's a video of me fucking some bitch. She is 18 btw


That's a crack rock.


That's a syringe with a cap of heroin.

Does this make me hardcore? Fuck no, it actually kinda makes me a douche for posting it but I wanted to make a point. The fact of the matter is, is that this guy can't spell worth a fuck, he clearly doesn't know shit about cyber security, he's annoyingly uppity and we try to keep these kinds of wannabees out of the community. I can assure you 100% I've fucked way more girls than you, have done way more drugs than you and have fucked up more than you could ever imagine to. That doesn't really make me cool, and it most certainly isn't a measure of my life's successes. This forum isn't about boasting about how much weed you smoke, bitches you fuck or anything of the like; it's about cyber security, hacking, whatever you want to call it.

Don't assume you know so much about us based on what we say. We typically say these things for a reason. If you're good and want to baby script kiddies/wannabes then go ahead, but you're not going to be doing us any favors.

spyware's Avatar
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JPierce420 wrote: Wow. Now you're telling them to go learn and come back. lol. Bro, what do you think this site is for? You've been here longer than me and haven't figured that out? What are the challenges for? They're useless if you know how to do them, and please don't tell me you look 'cool' if you have points. lol. The challenges are for people who DON'T know how to do them, so they can figure them out and learn from them. If you know how to do them already, then its a waste of time. For instance, I could do all but the programming ones, because I'm new at coding. Notice they are the only ones I'm trying to do, because thats what I want to learn. Granted, I only have 1 completed, but I have the correct code for the next 3 challenges done, the server has just been too slow lately for them to work. The point is, this place IS for people to learn, and its a crying fucking shame they have to deal with people like you who bash them instead of helping them. That shit WILL come back on you someday, mark my motherfucking words.

This place is indeed meant to be helpful to noobs, but the forum isn't some sandbox where you can post as much shit as you'd like.

Sure, the challenges are meant to guide aspiring hackers. This doesn't mean that the forum has the same purpose. On the contrary, HBH vividly supports a "holier-than-noob" standing in this place. Again, this doesn't mean noobs can't use the forum, or ask for help, but it DOES mean you can't just put SHIT on HBH and expect us to sit back and relax.

This community thrives upon growth. When the growth stops, the community dies. This thread, and most of it's posts aren't supporting this growth.

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I feel that we all seem to have commonality in our goals. Not everyone has the same goal but we are all in a similar position. We are all hooked on going where we are told not to go, for one reason or another. I personally want to learn more for the sake of knowing how and understanding how to protect from. I have been around many hacker sites over the years and have learned plenty. We should bend over backwards to help each other share the knowledge because the person we help may teach us the most important things down the road. Flaming is a part of it, so if you get flamed, you earned it. If you earned it, you have at least something. Get past that and learn. Get what you need here and pass on your wisdom to others. Help when you can. This place is sort of like the way kids in the 50's and 60's were raised. Keep your mouth shut until spoken to unless you really feel your questions or posts have validity. Best of Luck.

ghost's Avatar
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Spyware main skillz are:Spaming and Flaming :D He can post really huge and long post here at HBH but in the same time he know nothing about hacking… probably Spyware can code in VB,Java,C++,Python probably he hacked few websites and he think that he is Hacker, he think that he is much more better than the noobs posting here…… Spyware because of people like you there are very few good hacking communities… people like you Spyware are hackers only in their imagination :)

Spyware i want to feel your best flames, FLAME MEEEEE!!!! I WILL TAKE ALL YOUR FLAMES.

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iamjustanoob wrote: Spyware main skillz are:Spaming and Flaming :D He can post really huge and long post here at HBH but in the same time he know nothing about hacking… probably Spyware can code in VB,Java,C++,Python probably he hacked few websites and he think that he is Hacker, he think that he is much more better than the noobs posting here…… Spyware because of people like you there are very few good hacking communities… people like you Spyware are hackers only in their imagination :)

Spyware i want to feel your best flames, FLAME MEEEEE!!!! I WILL TAKE ALL YOUR FLAMES.

You've done it now kid, you've really pushed the line.

Admins, I recommend you lock this thread to stop this from going any further.

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iamjustanoob wrote: Spyware main skillz are:Spaming and Flaming :D He can post really huge and long post here at HBH but in the same time he know nothing about hacking… probably Spyware can code in VB,Java,C++,Python probably he hacked few websites and he think that he is Hacker, he think that he is much more better than the noobs posting here…… Spyware because of people like you there are very few good hacking communities… people like you Spyware are hackers only in their imagination :)

Spyware i want to feel your best flames, FLAME MEEEEE!!!! I WILL TAKE ALL YOUR FLAMES.

i want to know one thing…. "u say spyware isn`t a real hacker, only in his/her fantasies. then what is your idee of a hacker, in ur own words"

because i think that ur idee of a hacker might be wrong

ghost's Avatar
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i lol'ed at this whole thread

lots of angry teenagers that think they are better than each other =/

we are all part of hbh because we share an interest in computers. If you dont have anything useful that will contribute towards a subject, why say anything?


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iamjustanoob wrote: Spyware main skillz are:Spaming and Flaming :D He can post really huge and long post here at HBH but in the same time he know nothing about hacking… probably Spyware can code in VB,Java,C++,Python probably he hacked few websites and he think that he is Hacker, he think that he is much more better than the noobs posting here…… Spyware because of people like you there are very few good hacking communities… people like you Spyware are hackers only in their imagination :)

Spyware i want to feel your best flames, FLAME MEEEEE!!!! I WILL TAKE ALL YOUR FLAMES.

You know, I really pity this moment. I've been waiting for an intellectual challenge, for someone to kick me around and laugh at my tiny amount of knowledge.

Now, someone like you comes along. You question me, yes, but you don't offer anything in return. What did you learn? What did you contribute? What can you teach us?

ghost's Avatar
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People will respect you a lot more if you can use grammar properly. I mean, you lost all respect with your first post because of the excessive smileys, your terrible idea for a "team" with no goals or ideas, and your obvious lack of knowledge. (Just out of curiosity, what makes you think adding 10 smileys makes you cool? It kind of makes you appear to be about 11…)

Don't argue with Spyware or Zephyr for flaming you, you deserve to be flamed. I honestly can't imagine anyone who knows anything useful joining your "team" just because of how you present yourself.

K3174N 420's Avatar
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What have i missed here…

This thread in many ways, sums up HBH.

I have read it all, and a lot of interesting points have been made to both sides.

I do think flames can be chucked around to easily here, i feel a lot of us have fallen into a bad habit with that, i'm not talking about this thread, just in general. I have seen many a decant post, many a fair question get shot down in a ball of flames. Fair play i have seen about four times more deserving flames.

What makes a person a noob? What makes a post flamable?

There are two kinds of 'wannabehacker/hacker'. The ones interested in hacking for the right reason of learning and truth, and the ones for the wrong reason of being 'cool' or hacking mates hotmail, ect.

I believe anyone interested for the right reasons, regardless of knowledge is not a noob. (Maybe a newbie, but defiantly not a noob)

I also believe that any thread that offers, or requests useful information is worthy…

Which this thread, doesn't. Your not looking for a team, even if you think you are… What kind of team target is, have fun? You do sound 11… Zeph is very right in what he said about a team needed a clear target, else it's not a team, merely a group of people fucking about. That is why this thread is pointless, and this is why this thread got flamed. That said i agree with a lot of what you said, even if you are wrong this time.

Peace out people.

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Important points to note before closure:

  1. slpctrl's post was very important. This is a hacking community; if you're a poon magnet, good for you. No one really cares, though. In fact, most of us don't feel the need to announce that we get it. Image is nothing here.

  2. websniper was right, as have been many before, that flaming with a purpose… has a purpose. However, it's important to note that most of what occurred in this thread was not flaming but was, indeed, merely criticism. If we question your knowledge, motivation, chance of success, etc. … that's not flaming. Criticism is not always flaming. Learn what flaming really is.

  3. mambo, your post made no sense. Spend more time actually online participating with the community before you express your (wrong) opinion on it.

If you're going to start a programming team, have a focus. An initial goal.
"Boy, I'd love to write this kind of software… I should get a team of people that would like that, too."
"Gee, I sure do like learning in the specific field(s) of [whatever]."

No one wants to be in a club that doesn't do shit. Disagree as you see fit; I got EM solely to let people complain at me. Lock.