Javascript 15
This one has been bugging me for days. I can't figure it out. I get everything I think I need and it ends up not working. I don't exactly know what to do. Yes I know how charAt() works and that it starts counting by 0 (What programming language doesn't?). I'm still confused though. It has to be in a certain order and I'm not certain on this one but it has to be the same number of letters as query test mess (ex: sdsds [5 letters] gsgb [4 letters] vnef [4 letters])? Please help! Thanks, Kirk.
Just start by checking how long the password is, you can see it by checking what the biggest number is when your password is broken down and rearranged. After that just take a piece of paper or whatever you want to write on, make enough place for the amount of chars you're going to write then just fill it out by checking what letter should be at what position.
Possible spoiler: You know that var a is first which means a is the first letter in "query test mess". Just fill in the first letter from there in the position that has been said that a is taken from in your password, this case it would be 'q' that should be put at position 10 (as you already know, it starts counting at 0 so it's position 9+1).