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I have completed all of the js's b4 but this on got me stumped …. Sums, tab vars, checksum … No … Im really stuck


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Kind of like breaking an encryptions.

Each key is turned into a number and if multiple letters are submitted, it does math to all of them to make it unique. You basically have to reverse engineer what the encrypt method is doing and make it the same as the checksum.

What i would do is change the false alert to say alert(sum) and then do guesses from there.

ghost's Avatar
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ty dude, ill try that


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This one is very hard ! Can i pm someone with what i found ?

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u can pm me but i doubt i will get the answer quick…lol

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any thoughts on why is this challenge only worth 40 points. and js15 is worth 50? js15 is as simple as alerting the comparison string. js16 will really make us reverse the algorithm so i think we should get a little more for our trouble.

im contemplating bruteforce for it but i think this chall might have more than one possible answer.

ghost's Avatar
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I'm with sakarin, I tried bruteforcing it in javascript but my processor went up to 100% and my browser crashed…I think it would take way too long to bruteforce it, especially considering we don't know the character set (the "tab" variable?) or the length. I'm actually really confused on how to go about this challenge, it seems impossible to reverse it because of all the factors involved in calculating the sum, and I do think there could be more than one answer…

ghost's Avatar
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if you coded a bruteforcer for it you should know enough to answer your first doubt

ghost's Avatar
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right, I guessed about some stuff. I don't think bruteforcing is the right way to go though.

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by bruteforce i mean create a loop that will stop when it matches the comparison string..

the other way is to reverse the algorithm and i don't think i have the brain power to do that.. =)

ranma's Avatar
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There are definitely many possibilities for this one. I've figured out so far that he first letter doesn't matter, since "i" will always be 0 in the "for" for the first letter, and since multiplying by zero and adding 1 gives you always 1, the sum is not changed, so you can use any first letter from the set "tab".

ghost's Avatar
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at first glance i thought that indexOf had that taken care of but u're right.

and one thing is for sure there's only one php file there are at least as many right passwords as there are ascii characters.

ghost's Avatar
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yeah that's what makes me think we're not supposed to bruteforce it…that said, I made a bruteforcer in C just for fun, I had to write a new indexOf function and stuff. it got my processor up to 60 degrees C though so I stopped it but if anyone wants the code PM me.

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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hey guys… yeah it's a tricky one!!

the first character thing is owing to a slight bugger up on my part, though when you get it you'll know what the first character is…. and there are multiple solutions, but you'll arrive at the right one long before any of the wrong one.

Good luck

ghost's Avatar
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OK i reversed it but there are thousands of possibilities !

for example (without quotes) :


all those are valid but not the required password!

Richo : maybe you could give us the last character of the pass ? :happy:

ghost's Avatar
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richo have you coded your answer to the challenge. something that doesn't bruteforce and gives the right solution? i mean when someone creates a challenge it's always good to do some testing before making it public.

if so could you make it avaliable on the final url so we at least know the intended solution?

i still can't get past you comment on having multiple right answers is a feature not a bug..

ghost's Avatar
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Im still really stuck

ghost's Avatar
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thank's for sharing..

I-O-W-A's Avatar
[Forever Blind To See]
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this challange has got me completley stumped lol i dont even know where to begin

ghost's Avatar
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This challenge is IMPOSSIBLE to solve as there are billions of valid solutions ! Bruteforce would take years !

OK you want more "valid" strings ?


And for each you can change the first space with any 85 chars of the tab string and it will still be valid.

So what can we do now ???

[edit] there's 2 spaces between 'p' and '4d' but it shows only one after post… HTML problem :)

ghost's Avatar
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What if we ASSUME the password does not contain any SPACE, how about that ? In fact, I suppose it doesn't. But if it DOES then ur all right and its one buggy challenge that needs to be fixed. :happy:

ghost's Avatar
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OK one with no space…


ghost's Avatar
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lol well then you're right :D and thanks for saving me the trouble :happy: but you can't blame him ;)

ghost's Avatar
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oh but we can. js15 easy as it may be, is solvable through logic. this one isn't it's like hash encryption but bad because we have more than one possibility

i'd really like richohealey to tell me im just wrong and there is a non bruteforce way to solve it. that when he coded the challenge he contemplated how ppl should solve it and send it to another admin or someone to say we're all wrong. if not plz remake the challenge.

im not going to spend more of my time on it even though i don't like to have unsolved challenges on this category.

ghost's Avatar
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or maybe thats how this challenge is supposed to be, finding even one of these is hard but do able, we just have to try over and over agian to get this right…

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yeah i can also point out positive sides on pretty much anything but that doesn't change anything

if the purpose of this site is to illustrate real scenarios, it's a realistic mission. the others are to test your knowlege and to make you research and think. well if you can reverse the algoritm and get a positive on this challenge it means you know what the function is doing and know enough to write your own to help you out.

making you do that over and over to find THE answer is not only stupid but also not worth it for less points than js15 which was as simple as alerting something..

ghost's Avatar
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if the challenge is how it is supposed to be, why isnt it worth more points?? i dont think 40 points is enough if involves looking for the right one in thousands of possibilities. especially as js 15 was worth 50

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but even with more points i don't see the logic. what do you learn? if there is a way to do it without scrolling all possibilities it's certainly not with javascript. it would be a cool thing on a realistic. where you had another way around it but would keep lots of ppl just trying to break the js instead.

ghost's Avatar
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i think we need to talk to richo.

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about the points, I agree with you but about the rest… cmon take it easy :p "What do you learn ??" hmm…I think I learned enough to say I am still kinda pleased depends on how you tried to solve it And it also depends on your experience. I spent so much time on it but i wanted to solve it without solid bruteforcing. anyways, It helped me to kill some time and gain alot of experience and fun :D so i'd say stoping naggin like that and enjoy yourselves and richo… be more careful next time, but still thanks for the challenge ;)

ghost's Avatar
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oh and system meltdown is the only person apart from richo with this chall complete. probably because he has to accept the challenges so he views them before hand..

does this mean hbh is full of noobs or that there's something wrong with the challenge?

ghost's Avatar
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lol…I never said that the chellenge is perfect and there's nothing wrong with it i just said take it easy and dont get so pissed off about it. dont attack richo he was just helpin and it was not his duty to make this challenge. now that sth is wrong with it he'll fix it or the admins has to do sth else which is replace it or remove it.

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dude im not attacking no one. you like most ppl posting on this topic have spent your time trying to do it only to reach the conclusion it's not a matter of skill but patience.

im just expressing my frustration and hoping from the same thing you do. that they fix or replace with something solvable through logic and not brute force.. (because bruteforce is attempting to submit various answers until you guess the right one. this chall will make you reverse the algoritm only to end up with a kind of dictionary that sure won't have the 100000000 possibilities you would had before but still will be something like 100000) and im pretty sure there's a mechanism that will log you out if you attempt bruteforce on any part of hbh..

ghost's Avatar
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sakarin wrote: oh and system meltdown is the only person apart from richo with this chall complete. probably because he has to accept the challenges so he views them before hand..

does this mean hbh is full of noobs or that there's something wrong with the challenge?

im pretty sure mastergamer did it as well

SySTeM's Avatar
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sakarin wrote: oh and system meltdown is the only person apart from richo with this chall complete. probably because he has to accept the challenges so he views them before hand..

1: I don't cheat. 2: I beat this when Richo sent it to me, and I had no help from him. 3: I have to view them before hand? It's a JavaScript challenge, all I had was the script, I had to beat it before I could set up a completion page.

synstealth's Avatar
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the challenge is pretty fun to play with.. I managed to FIND a way to make the checksum to match with certain letters (no space) but It keeps taking me to a page that is NOT there..

are u sure it spelled correctly or ???

ghost's Avatar
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not wanting to start an argument this is my last reply regarding that post. i didn't call you a cheater, i guessed that since you had to put the challenges up you need to view them, yes it's a javascript but there is a solution page to upload with the same name as the answer. you just explained how you did that after solving the challenge on your own. that's pretty cool

now regarding the other more important parts of my post and other ppl posts. how did you manage to know which one of the solutions was the page to upload? please tell me we're being stupid and there is another aproach for this challenge that will give us 1 answer instead of a really big number of them.

SySTeM's Avatar
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synstealth wrote: the challenge is pretty fun to play with.. I managed to FIND a way to make the checksum to match with certain letters (no space) but It keeps taking me to a page that is NOT there..

are u sure it spelled correctly or ???

PM me with what you have

synstealth's Avatar
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the challenge is pretty fun to mess with..

I noticed that the first letter or character DOES NOT MATTER..

I managed to find the correct words to match the checksum..

im little confused

ghost's Avatar
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you know what sakarin, I wouldn't complain if you get pissed off now cuz u got a point there. I like to hear system…'s approach to this challenge and how he decided what name the page should have. my only guess is that he checked with richo.

ghost's Avatar
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my lil bruteforcer just got done with it….it got it wrong lol i think idk but if its right then it proves it can be bruteforced

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tehe SANTA solved except im nt getting my points witch is driving me insane. it says cograts and wat not. but then i get no points! im being jipped.

SySTeM's Avatar
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SANTA wrote: tehe SANTA solved except im nt getting my points witch is driving me insane. it says cograts and wat not. but then i get no points! im being jipped.

PM me with the answer you got.

ranma's Avatar
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not to be captain obvious guys, but, the answer will be readable words I assume. First I guess we'll have to find out how many letters there could be. Simple (yeah right) matter of paper and pencil. I'll be back!

ghost's Avatar
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not really pen and paper. or maybe pen and tons of paper.. =)

when you come back read the rest of the topic to find out more ppl pissed like you. :|

ghost's Avatar
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This is a tricky one… got me a little stumped.

It's obvious that the length must be between 10 and 17 chars long, so brute forcing is out. There doesn't seem to be a way to reverse the algo either (beyond a slightly simplified version which is easy to get to).

Got me beaten for now. Assuming its not just a guessing game, this challenge is either very clever, or very dumb. I hope its the former.

richohealey's Avatar
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uhh no brute forcing is in…. i designed this partly as a coding challenge, you need to code a brute forcer that can do it in a reasonable amount of time….

and yes, there are already challenges on this site that need bfing that take longer,


ghost's Avatar
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If thats the case then we need to make various assumptions about the keyspace which I must be missing.

Fair enough if its designed that way… credit to you for designing a tough one.

richohealey's Avatar
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ha ha, yeah, it's entirely possible that i went over board with the password though… it's kinda long… you'll get it though.

and yeah, i shot for an actually hard one, until now i could do all js's within an hour

ghost's Avatar
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richohealey wrote: i shot for an actually hard one, until now i could do all js's within an hour

I get it !

Yes you're right… All other js's were easy. This one is very hard and should be worth more than 40 points !

ghost's Avatar
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well i wrote a brute forcer and used a 50kb word list but got nothing. damn you richo we actually got to work for this one :happy:

richohealey's Avatar
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DigitalFire wrote: damn you richo we actually got to work for this one :happy:

damn striaght…. enjoy!!!

and your wordlists are useless against my 1337 word picking!

lukem_95's Avatar
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not even my uber cool 3.2gig one? probably actually… i can think of hundreds of annoying 1337 spelled words that wouldn't be in it :p

Ayr4's Avatar
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Umm…i hope it IS a word…and not just one random thing like "Popoilikebutnottell" or "richohealeypwnsyou" or "ajnlfkfdjodfjuosdjihlol21" :whoa:

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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it's not random characters,

you'll know it when you get it, but there ARE collisions atm, so if you get a pass that works, but doesn't, keep going.

[edit] After discussing this with an utter nub over IRC i've decided that i like the collisions and now have no intention of removing them


If i HAD to use js to protect a site, this is deffo how i'd go about it, since even if you createa bruteforcer you still need to try all the combinations before you actually find the page.

So I've decided that i'm an accidental genius.

I'm open to discussion though, as long as it's reasonable (You know who you are, Irc-nub)



Uber0n's Avatar
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richohealey wrote: I've decided that i'm an accidental genius.

Haha, well said ^^ :D

ghost's Avatar
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well if '@' is the highest value and 'a' is the lowest we can assume that the password is between 10 and 17 characters (already mentioned) minus the fact that the first doesn't matter (already mentioned) we have the range of 9 to 16 characters, with a large character set (66 i think). that makes it somewhere from

23,762,680,000,000,000 possibilities to

1,296,292,380,000,000,000,000,000,000 possibilities.

the brute forcer i wrote in php gets 25k/sec (slow i know i'm on an old comp)

so could take anywhere from 3 hundred thousand years to the rest of eternity.

this is similar to system's challenge but he ONLY HAD NUMBERS, which EXPONENTIALLY reduces the amount of work to be done.

unless my math is off (might be im tired) then this is ridiculous to brute force. i guess ill go try and reverse the algo… :right:

richohealey's Avatar
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WEelll, your math is corrent in theory, but the fastest time i've heard for a BF to complete this is a bit under 1 hour, so don't stress it IS possible

ghost's Avatar
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You know a hint would be nice. I thought I was pretty proficient in javascript until this challenge came along. :D

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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jbjoker wrote: You know a hint would be nice. I thought I was pretty proficient in javascript until this challenge came along. :D

Hint!!!!: Don't code the Bruteforcer in javascript

Mouzi's Avatar
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But that means it can't be done with JavaScript :< I think I'll pass this one then.

ghost's Avatar
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this challenge like even richo said should be part of a realistic mission. the only javascript knowlege you need for it is just to be able to read. since coding a bruteforce in js is just begging to crash your brouser..

ghost's Avatar
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This is what i tohught: 88692589 = index^2 * 1^3 n + index2^22^3n+…+index(n-1)^2(n-1)^3n we can simplify: 88692589/n = index^21^3+index2^22^3+…+index(n-1)^2(n-1)^3

The smaller divisor of the checksum is 19 : so the length should be 19…or i'm doing it wrong?

ghost's Avatar
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Password is alpha-numerical.

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i've coded a brute forcer in perl but at the rate its goin it's likely to take a few hours if i knew the minimum amount of chars in the password it might help speed things up a bit instead of goin through every single combination its currently on 5chars and its been runnin about 30mins

Uber0n's Avatar
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I guess his account has been stolen… However a ban is the only solution. Forum flooding is not ok :ninja:

ghost's Avatar
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what about deleting all is posts? this threads are unusable

ghost's Avatar
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yea, its anoying having to go all the way to the right to post reply :s

richohealey's Avatar
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A few people have beaten it.

Me, mozzer, i think mastergamer.

And i know of plenty of people well on the way.

ghost's Avatar
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richohealey wrote: A few people have beaten it.

Me, mozzer, i think mastergamer.

And i know of plenty of people well on the way.

Yea, I've beaten it

ghost's Avatar
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Ok I've written a brute forcer, fairly crappy and slow and it'll take days.

When someone said the password was alpha-numeric, does that mean lowercase or uppercase letters, or a combination of both.

And does anyone want to say how long password is?

And are we meant to just pure brute-force or are we supposed to actually figure out some stuff first and/or reverse algo?

ghost's Avatar
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those questions are answered by the js script..

ghost's Avatar
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Just for giggles I'm trying to make a bruteforcer in ruby

some stuff to note:

From what I gathered, the smallest pass is 10 characters and the largest is 20. So it's been cut down from 300,000 years to eternity to 300,000 to 1,000,000,000,000 years….

I dunno, we'll see how this program goes…

ghost's Avatar
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I think there's an easier way then creating a brute forcer

ghost's Avatar
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I think you're probably right, I just can't think of another way. Oh well, I guess while the program runs I can try to narrow it down via finding patterns in the hash

ghost's Avatar
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if you look at it i think there's a lot of an easier way to do this challenge

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so far I calculated that the min pass length and max pass length are 11 and 18

also just an offhand guess but since richo said he made the pass semi long, he makes me think it's somewhere between 14 and 18.

But thats just guestimation

edit - fixed spelling

ghost's Avatar
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well i know you don't need a brute forcer because if you did it wouldn't be a javascript challenge. just look closly and figure out what it is trying to say. thats what i'm in the process of doing.

mido's Avatar
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fallingmidget wrote: well i know you don't need a brute forcer because if you did it wouldn't be a javascript challenge. just look closly and figure out what it is trying to say. thats what i'm in the process of doing.

You* need *a brute forcer. Otherwise, you'll be suiciding!

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah you do, but I also think its necessary to fiddle with the function a little bit. I found out a lot as to the parameters of where the bruteforcer should search and how to search it just by messing with the function a bit

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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Ok, so you all know.

a) this challenge requires bruteforcing, it's really an exercise in creating a decent Brute forcer.

b) the result makes sense, so take that how you will (it's a hint at a refining algorithm)

c) i'll dig out my solution source and post it on the complete page

d) For the last time, this WOULD constitute a more secure than usual JS login, this is demonstrated in the number of people stumped by it.

e) i didn't say secure!! MORE SECURE THAN USUAL </flame dodge>

ghost's Avatar
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richohealey wrote:

c) i'll dig out my solution source and post it on the complete page

I'm waiting for someone to do this all the time. Still claiming there is no solution without having hints!

Please show me I'm wrong.


ghost's Avatar
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I'll try to write a BF over the weekend…it's gonna be hard since I have a parade on Saturday…using C++ because that's my best language and it's the fastest (efficiency-wise) that I can write.

Uber0n's Avatar
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Maybe I'll make another attempt as well :) this is a really good challenge since it actually requires some skills in coding ^^

ghost's Avatar
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This one is tough! The checksum is 88692589, and 88692589 is divisible by 1, 19, 37, .. The textfield has a max of 20 characters so I'm assuming the password is 19 chars long. This is because in the loop you have sum += n*(stuff), which is the same as sum += stuff and after the loop sum *= n. And it can't be a single charecter because no matter what it always results in 1. This is the easy part, still have to figure out an efficient way to brute force it.. Is the only way just to check all possible permutations, or is there a better algorithm? I haven't even tried because with 19 elements and 86 different values for the elements there are so many possibilities it would take ages.. or am I wrong here?

ghost's Avatar
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i still think theres a way to do it without using a brute forcer. thats just my opinion.

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fallingmidget wrote: i still think theres a way to do it without using a brute forcer. thats just my opinion.

Well you keep saying that, but have you actually solved it without using brute force? Are you basing this on anything?

shadowls's Avatar
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they best way to do it is code a brute forcer and just run it till it cracks it. mine took me over two weeks to crack it.

ghost's Avatar
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you are on the right track with ur pw length calculation, but the result might be wrong. Just remember what u wrote about the pw's with length 1. And remember: knowing the pw's lenth doesn't help u so much

once again someone has written this super brute forcer and I'm quite sure once again if he is aked to proof this he wont answer, has lost this super program, is afraid someone steels his knowledge or it turns out he has some additional infos about the pw.


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system_meltdown wrote: [quote]sakarin wrote: oh and system meltdown is the only person apart from richo with this chall complete. probably because he has to accept the challenges so he views them before hand..

1: I don't cheat. 2: I beat this when Richo sent it to me, and I had no help from him. 3: I have to view them before hand? It's a JavaScript challenge, all I had was the script, I had to beat it before I could set up a completion page.[/quote]

Ok, I understand that your the alimighty and shit but give me a fuckin break. The Bruteforcer I have wrote has spit out over 135,00 false positives in less than 10 minutes, and I am only 9 characters in (working on a 12 character password).

here's only a handful of them… anf by my calculations that means my bruteforcerwill spit out 2,460,375,000,000,000 - yeah that's over 2 quadrillion false positives or 2 * 1000 billion. And some one mentioned grepping the has collisions. OK, come on be real. This challenge is BS. And if you beat it, its because someone helped you.

I guess most people will never even get a bruteforcer that can get to first combination in the first place. This challenge is bullshit.


clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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I started to write my BTforcing code to solve this challenge, and I wanted to ask, has anybody here solved it with dictionary attack, because so far I haven't found any good dictionary to do that… :(

ghost's Avatar
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I first started this with a brute forcer, got too many valid answers. System then posted a "wordNUMBERword" format of the password.

I then wrote two programs.

1- To generate my own wordlist making some assumptions about the problem.

2- A dictionary attack that, when the wordlist was right, solved in a few seconds.

This is atleast how I did it.

clone4's Avatar
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stdio wrote: I first started this with a brute forcer, got too many valid answers. System then posted a "wordNUMBERword" format of the password.

I then wrote two programs.

1- To generate my own wordlist making some assumptions about the problem.

2- A dictionary attack that, when the wordlist was right, solved in a few seconds.

This is atleast how I did it.

Ok just to specify it, did you generate it like basically bruteforcing (aaa111bbb,bbb111ccc) or did you combine several wordlists to create the right format for the challenge ?

Also can't help it but your avatar is so damn funny !:D

ghost's Avatar
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Damn Double Posting

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I basically knew the words would be English language(as they are in most challenges). The password length is also 12 (Mathmatically proven by Zues). So I made assumptions about the number and used a std dictionary to form 12 character passwords in that format. Granted the first letter of the password has sum = 0 so it actually solved before I got the real password, but if you get that right, you will obviously know what the answer should be,

clone4's Avatar
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stdio wrote: I basically knew the words would be English language(as they are in most challenges). The password length is also 12 (Mathmatically proven by Zues). So I made assumptions about the number and used a std dictionary to form 12 character passwords in that format. Granted the first letter of the password has sum = 0 so it actually solved before I got the real password, but if you get that right, you will obviously know what the answer should be,

Al right then, thanks for reply. as I can see there are quite a lot hints on this one, so hopefully eventually I will solve it :D

ghost's Avatar
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nasty one.

Ok, made myself a script to adjust the password by randomly increasing/decreasing a position, works very quick (a couple of seconds). The problem is there are more passwords that match. Found theese for example [deleted]

They don't give any error allert but … page not found. How many random passwords match like this?… I think there must be another hint somewhere.

The password as many said has 12 characters Also if you haven't noticed first letter is obsolete.

Here is the php script. You can start with any sequence (but I've used numbers, the password is displayed in the end)

$tab = &quot;                   azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN0123456789_$&#@&quot;;
$power=Array(0, 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000, 1331);

while ($sum!=$checksum)
{  	$sum=1;
		for($i=0;$i&lt;12;$i++) $sum+=$n*$number[$i]*$number[$i]*$i*$i*$i;
		if ($sum==$checksum) break;
		if($sum&lt;$checksum) {
			if($number[$a]&lt;86) $number[$a]++;
		elseif ($sum&gt;$checksum) {
			if($number[$a]&gt;19) $number[$a]--;
		else echo &quot;[&quot;.($sum-$checksum).&quot;]&quot;.implode(&quot;,&quot;,$number).&quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;;
for ($i=0;$i&lt;12;$i++) echo $tab[$number[$i]];

ghost's Avatar
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Loads of people dont like these 'false positives', because in a real challenge, they would be accepted as correct. In this one however, you have to find the exact pass. There are lots of threads, so to save you trawling them, here are the hints:

  1. The password is 12 characters long
  2. The password is in the format wordNUMBERword
  3. The password 'makes sense'

With these 3 hints, write a decent bruteforcer in your chosen language, you could have it in under an hour (I did). Obviously it would take forever to make that may web requests, so I would rewrite the encryption algo in your chosen language, then you can try more passwords / second, without killing your internet.

ghost's Avatar
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Thank you :) (I kind of enjoyed my script, don't like brute much but I'll think on something)

ghost's Avatar
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Kind of makes me wonder why richohealey didn't just make it python code and another type of challenge besides javascript. Thanks for that info though, I'll start with it soon.

ghost's Avatar
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Part of the fun is rewriting the JS code though, there is a certain function in there that python doesnt appear to have, so I just wrote a python version, it taught me a lot about how that function worked, both in JS and python.

I would recommend python to anyone trying this challenge, its easy to read and thus easier to keep track of whats going on. By the end, you will know the algo inside out.

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Ok, I wasn't thinking. What I meant to say was it's strange to do this for javascript. Converting it to your native language is cool, and hopefully those hints make it a little easier. I guess I'll store all the results in a text file, maybe idk.

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24 hours pass, and I have an idea. Knowing the format, this may not be as hard as I thought. 12 characters long, wordNumberword

If we had XXXXXXXXX9XX that could be tough, but if it were more like XXX999XXXX <–i forgot 2 chars, I was tired. the keyspace is cut down.

bruting (26^3) and (10^3) and (26^4) would be way faster than (26^9) and (10^1) and (26^2)

One of jjbutler's posts said he did it in less than an hour, so just a guess of how it could be worked out. Still beginning to write something.

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yep I'm using really really long dictionary and list of numbers, combine them in the right format and if they have 12 char compare them against the algorithm. Thing is that I just took the biggest dictionary I found online, so it's been a while and I'm still on 'A words':( also even with the dictionary there is shit loads of false positives…

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clone4 wrote: yep I'm using really really long dictionary and list of numbers, combine them in the right format and if they have 12 char compare them against the algorithm. Thing is that I just took the biggest dictionary I found online, so it's been a while and I'm still on 'A words':( also even with the dictionary there is shit loads of false positives…

Language? Also; optimize code (loops!).

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Remember, its a bruteforcer, but the password 'makes sense'. Think about what kind of numbers could be used to create a password like that (e.g. some1, 2moro) There are some obvious numbers you should be including as well, that should cut it down a bit :D

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jjbutler88 wrote: Remember, its a bruteforcer, but the password 'makes sense'. Think about what kind of numbers could be used to create a password like that (e.g. some1, 2moro) D

maybe too much of a hint… anyway it helps a lot, gotta get rid of a lot of numbers and words :)

spy: perl, using 3 nested loops and basically nothing else

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Anyone around that has done this in C++? I've tested string::find(), it does what indexOf() does in javascript when it takes only one parameter like in the code.

    long sum=1,index;
	for(int i=0,n=entry.length();i&lt;n;i++)
		index = tab.find(entry.substr(i,i+1)); //tab is global
		sum += (index*n*i)*(index*i*i);
	return sum;

should work, but when I test one of the false positives that someone posted, something must be wrong there.

```markuptest(&quot;aLOCs687Jaaa&quot;);``` yields 5802193

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sharpskater80 wrote: Anyone around that has done this in C++? I've tested string::find(), it does what indexOf() does in javascript when it takes only one parameter like in the code.

    long sum=1,index;
	for(int i=0,n=entry.length();i&lt;n;i++)
		index = tab.find(entry.substr(i,i+1)); //tab is global
		sum += (index*n*i)*(index*i*i);
	return sum;

should work, but when I test one of the false positives that someone posted, something must be wrong there.

```markuptest(&quot;aLOCs687Jaaa&quot;);``` yields 5802193

I don&#39;t code in C++, but maybe try to write what itineration is the loop in, because in my perl code, I get loads of false positives, but only ones that are in the last itineration of the loop will produce the alert box... ie:
and the format is : itineration ! sum : answer : localtime, just in case you were lost :D

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Ah, it's not the fact they could work that confuses me. The person who listed it had it total up to the right sum, mine doesn't do that for some reason.

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You can save the source, change it to alert the checksum and keep tweaking till your algo spits out the same as richos, then you can begin :D

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I assumed javascript's substring() got a substring, but it turns out it has substr() which is completely different that does that. substring() gets a single character in this case. I sat here staring at my source trying to figure that one out for a while. :p Things should get rolling now anyway.

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I was having problems with that indexOf() function, so I studied it and wrote my own python version :p.

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jjbutler88 wrote: I was having problems with that indexOf() function, so I studied it and wrote my own python version :p.

Lol you solve lot of issues like this :D had a same problem too :)

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IMHO its the best way, you learn more about both languages, and the algo.

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stdio wrote: I first started this with a brute forcer, got too many valid answers. System then posted a "wordNUMBERword" format of the password.

I then wrote two programs.

1- To generate my own wordlist making some assumptions about the problem.

2- A dictionary attack that, when the wordlist was right, solved in a few seconds.

This is atleast how I did it.

Number 2 there, I don't understand how we could get our program to differentiate the correct pass from one that makes the checksum.

Alright, just looking at the math behind the keyspace. Remember the format too.


10 there, then figure the other parts where the number could start, I got 45 combinations.
So when stdio said the&quot; wordlist was right&quot; I guess that means he knew where the number started in the string and how far it extended.
Beside trial and error, I don&#39;t know how to figure that out. It just seems like the few people who beat it have deduced something extra about
that which led them to solving it. I&#39;m still optimistic about there not being more than 4 consecutive of the same character, like &quot;CCCCNNNNCCCC&quot;. 
Even 5 isn&#39;t too bad though.