publish to the web
are you a noob at forums too? this is not the right place for your topic.
anyway creating a webpage have two major steps. coding the page. and hosting the page
now that you know the name of the step you're missing try using it on google. type "free host webpage"
if you typed just host you would realize webpage would sort the results better. and after you found out some of the hosts are payed the free part will help you even better to sort your results. by the way google is a webpage. the adress is (just in case you're still using msn or whatever comes default on iexplorer..)
im sorry if i sounded harsh but you come to a site named hellboundhackers, register and post on the wrong part of the forum a question that just about any forum on any website will answer and act like you don't have a clue.
it's just not good practice..
but yeah ask away if u need anything more concrete