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java 3 broken

ghost's Avatar
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I've gottten the username and pass just when I enter it, the page just refreshes or something.

just to check: username=l* pass=a*****

When I switch them around a box pops up saying "Invalid username"

Uber0n's Avatar
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No it isn't broken. You just have to do one more step to get it ;)

ghost's Avatar
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also just a side note: Java is a totally different thing than Javascript

ghost's Avatar
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do we have java challenges?

(seriously, like dsom pointed out it's not java, it's javascript. Don't call it java again or I might consider sending my robotmonkey (painted black) to your house, and we won't want that to happen, would we now?)

ghost's Avatar
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dontspitonme wrote: also just a side note: Java is a totally different thing than Javascript

Yes I know… knew people would post things about that… just using a shortcut.

ghost's Avatar
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then write js its common sense (something u should charish cause not alot of people have it ne more apparently)