Javscript 8
Hi Arto, I know what you mean, I know what needs to be done though, its just that a certain change isnt taking place when I do it. Ive read other forums and what im doing should be bringing up the new code. I read something about certain unrecognised unicode characters coming up in the input that had to be typed manually, does that make any sense. Can I PM you with what exactley im doing?
Apparently this is the official HBH rite of passage? I struggled on this one for a good two hours before finally wanting to injure myself over my stupidity.
Part 1 was just a matter of finding the right tool for the job.
Part 2 reminded me of the age-old question: How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
Answer: Open the refrigerator door, put the giraffe in, close the door.
Apparently I do think about things in an overly-complicated way. :|