Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

JS8 Second Part

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I've found the NEW secret and such, but I don't know what to do with it. I thought it was a URL code, so I tried to use Yellowpipe.com to decode it, and yeah, it didn't work, but I didn't understand the results…

I'm not asking for a spoiler, or the answer; just a nudge. I've read the articles and looked through the topics already posted. I just can't seem to get the darn thing.

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Edit if any spoilers….. First off you find something in the source that you need to encode/decode using yellowpipe.com so you do that and put it as the password. Next try to view the source again and see if anything is different. If so why not try pasting that in different spots….maybe it can help you pass the mission