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a helpful tip for js challenges

ellipsis's Avatar
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To those of you who want to do the JS challenges but can't seem to get Javascript to work in your URL, if you're using FireFox, I've found a really awesome way to get around the filtering and all of that.

If you download the Web Developer add-on (which most of you have I'm sure), you can press CTRL+F4 to open the Javascript "ScratchPad" which is basically a script editor that lets you run javascript. It only runs Javascript relative to the page which you CTRL+F4'd from, but you can always write your own if that's just how you roll.

JS4 will require you to toggle some values in about:config and those keys are "browser.urlbar.filter.javascript" and "noscript.allowURLBarJS" (if you have NoScript, which you should). If you don't know what about:config is, just open a new tab and type "about:config" (without quotation marks) into your location bar and press enter.

Happy hacking.

s7224md's Avatar
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I'm on my way to them tomorrow so that's useful info. Thanks.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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You can also run it with Firebug by going to the Console tab and selecting "Show Command Editor" from the pop up menu.