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Javascript 16

ghost's Avatar
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Using the article and confirming it on the forums, the password is 12 characters long and is of the format xxxNUMBERyyy. I'd like to know if the words can be found in a dictionary. The first character does not contribute to the checksum, and since it's a letter I can get/guess the password with 52 bruteforces if I have the remaining 11 letters.

This is how I was planning to organise my code:

for i in wordlist1:
 for j in wordlist2:
  for n in all numbers of size (11 - len(i) - len(j)):

I reduced check to:

for i in range(1,12):	
		index = tab.index(entry[i])
		sum = sum+(index*index)*(i*i*i)
		print value

My computer's pretty slow and it would reduce my burden greatly if someone could let me know if the words could be found on a word list. Thank you.

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks for the hint. Then I don't need to optimise my code any further.

goluhaque's Avatar
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Guessing is the way to go on this, saves a lot of work, which I may add, is usually wasted if you decide to build a bruteforce program.

TrimLink's Avatar
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Was soooo easy with guessing, bruteforcer not required, just ….. THE number. :D good luck.

spyware's Avatar
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TrimLink wrote: Was soooo easy with guessing, bruteforcer not required, just ….. THE number. :D good luck.

Challenges here seldom revolve around the answers. The path leading up to an answer is the thing you should be looking for.

ghost's Avatar
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markupvar entry = document.forms["asdf"].elements[0].value; I don't understand it. Please explain for me :( Sorry, I didn't learn javascript well :(

ghost's Avatar
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mr_pi wrote: markupvar entry = document.forms["asdf"].elements[0].value; I don't understand it. Please explain for me :( Sorry, I didn't learn javascript well :(

It stores whatever is entered in asdf, so whatever you type inside that input. (password box). markup<form onsubmit="return Check(88692589)" name="asdf">

I believe when I did it, I rewrote that piece of JS in C++ and bruteforced it. There is alot of equal checksums so cout it, do not just exit after you found one that matches. Took me about 5 minutes in total.

starofale's Avatar
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mr_pi wrote: markupvar entry = document.forms["asdf"].elements[0].value; I don't understand it. Please explain for me :( Sorry, I didn't learn javascript well :(

If you can't even guess what that means you really need to learn more Javascript.