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i read the article on this one but i still dont get it. what do i need to do the the use+this part from what i read on the other posts on js4 its got somthing to do with crafting my code or somthing. my brain is racked from thinking where do i go? from here

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click "use this" and see how the url changes. –DON'T READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO DO THE WHOLE MISSION BY YOURSELF– you're going to use an xss (cross-site scripting) injection into the url bar to alert your cookie. however you will need to do it like you would in a page, so use the <script> tags, that part got me for a while. hope i didn't give too much information away.

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Ahh dang it that was simple why, grr why didnt i see it why didnt it come to me in the begining thxxtrmsk8r91 that helped lots ^^