bug in javascript 2Q
Hey everyone,
not really sure where to put this or whether or not its really even a bug. On javascript 2 once you get to the source where the password is, it is possible to go directly to the other "location" that is in there without typing in a password. You still pass the level doing it that way. I just wanted to point that out. Please enlighten me if it is meant to be that way?:right:
Its not a bug. You can do it without entering the password if you know the page you will be redirected with the right password.
Its like :
if password = fuckthat then redirect user to the page " winner.php"
you can type the password and be redirected by the script or you can go directly to the winner page wth the same result. That why the winner page dont check if you entered the password or not. ITS NOT A BUG.