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Shoutbox Hack

ghost's Avatar
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By trying something, I'm able to get anyone's post I want and turn it to mine when they psot it, it's kinda strange, I can't say how I've done it till an Admin/Moderator views over it, but it's pretty bad >=) :evil:

SySTeM's Avatar
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That's not a hack, that's a bug that's been around for a while, no one seems to know what's causing it though

ghost's Avatar
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Oh…Ok, well, atleast I still feel special =) Thanks for clearing that up.

ghost's Avatar
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laughs :)

ghost's Avatar
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Meh….I'll PWN you kaksii =P Nah, just jkin bro

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it happens if you post something in the shoutbox while viewing the shoutbox archive, when that happens id delets your posts and posts the bottom message of the archive

ghost's Avatar
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Nothing to do with the 'hack' but eh… I cant use the shout box :(