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Javascript 5 bug??

ghost's Avatar
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OK i was helping someone complete it and i went and did the challenege to remind myself what was involved. After enabling scripted windows (im in bloody IE as this isnt my comp)

i put in the correct answer and got an alert box saying well done or whatever then i was redicrected to a page saying "Wrong Answer! , Why don't you do some research on the code?"

i got told it was correct then i was told it isnt. Is it possibly because i have already completed it or something??

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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Dude, this has been mentioned many times.

It's an old thing, ths is intentional, it's a nuance of the challenge.

Hysterically, you do need to do some research on the function!

Good luck

I-O-W-A's Avatar
[Forever Blind To See]
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yeah lol js5 is well annoying, you actually have to research on what happened to the function :xx: