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Registration - Password Text Field Length Issue

Fallen Archangel's Avatar
0 0

Hey, just registered. (Had to grind a quick 100 points before I could write this .-. )

Anyways, the password field on the registration page let me type my full password, but the email that was sent to me (Containing my password in plain text!) was cut of at a length of 20 characters.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

This is a known issue with how the current registration system and login system limit inputs, it has been resolved on our new site, we might fix it here but its not a simple fix due to how shit the current code base is.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

One man's trash is another man's treasure Pay no attention to Mordak the White.

PHP-Fusion is probably THE finest example of a CMS platform you'll ever come across, coded by developers totally oblivious to the dangers of CSRF and SQL Injection, it is a veritable fuck-feast of unprotected variables and security no-no's, from which an email containing a plain text password, is a mere tasty morsel.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

And this is why we have a custom built application now :P

Scar0ptics's Avatar
0 0

That's what I need to do instead of using Drupal's CMS. I might spawn something up in the future, but what would you guy's recommend using?

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

PHP-FUSION is pretty good. thumbs up