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Javascript 5 BUG

apex123's Avatar
0 0

Hi admin, just thought you should know - when I put in the password in for this level, it tells me I have the correct password. However, when I click on the link which is supposed to take me to xxx.php I get a 404 error. I had to change the url to one year earlier to pass, because the mission hasn't been updated. Sorry for the vagueness, I'm trying to avoid spoilers. Please PM me if you don't get what I mean :)

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

We have redesigned this challenge as the functions it uses have now been depreciated. It will be updated with all the other challenges over the next few days.

BinaryMan2017's Avatar
0 0

Mordak wrote: We have redesigned this challenge as the functions it uses have now been depreciated. It will be updated with all the other challenges over the next few days.

Hey guys any ETA? Still broken


Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

It used to be passable by increasing the number till you got the points, looks like somethings been removed, as that"s no longer working either.

I"d add it to the list, but I see you already submitted an issue for it, thumbs up

SilentThunderNL's Avatar
0 0

Just past this one, finally.

Noticed that the page I got send too could not be found, so I changed it in the url untill I got the right page. Not to difficult. But the javascript needs to be worked on, that is for sure.