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Sig Test

ghost's Avatar
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Sig Test…..

ghost's Avatar
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you could just look on your profile, it has it at the bottom there.

edit wait…man im an idiot… its in every post you have ever done, it changes automatically.

ghost's Avatar
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i like it

spyware's Avatar
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I hate it. Binary is unreadable, text looks cheesy and the background reminds me of cheap toys, somehow.

ghost's Avatar
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oh if we are commenting on the sig i would say that yuo need to integrate your name more smoothly

ghost's Avatar
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The color makes me want to vomit…

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks for the criticism. I have never cared to make a sig until now. I'll make a new one soon.

ghost's Avatar
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dont give up graphics!!! despite the bad criticism you get at first. It is a bit bright and you can tell the different layers apart easily but keep at it