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ghost's Avatar
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SySTeM's Avatar
20 0

…the fuck?

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
20 0

Lol, exactly

ghost's Avatar
0 0

nice :p A mozzer or TotcoS exploit?

ghost's Avatar
0 0

tic-tac was trying something like "eh" and "ah" because it does malicious things




jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
20 0

Wtf how is eh ah and uh malicous?

ghost's Avatar
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If I tell you, it won't be secret

lol :)

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
20 0

:'(…And w00t im in your sig xD

ghost's Avatar
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so, you are the localhost hacker. Nice

ghost's Avatar
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umm…what were you testing exactly?

ghost's Avatar
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XSS (but psst don't tell anyone only between you and me )