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The following are things that have already been tested and do not require further testing.

  • Blank subjects (space, alt+0160)
  • UBB injection in subjects
  • HTML injection in subjects
  • Double UBB tags in post (mal tag inside normal tag)
  • Javascript in subjects
  • Javascript injection in subjects
  • Javascript injection in posts
  • HTML injection in post

I'm sure there are more. Reply with other tests that don't need to be repeated and I will edit this post adding it in. Thank you.

P.S. Testing signatures is not necessary. Just look at a past post of your's. Sig Tests are spam and should be treated as spam.


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What else could you inject into the subject headers? XML? CSS?

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I wouldn't think that CSS could be injected if HTML doesn't work. As for XML, I don't really see what you could do with it since the subject has a limit of space. If it didn't have a limit then XML might be interesting to test.

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Assassin8 wrote: I wouldn't think that CSS could be injected if HTML doesn't work.

Wouldn't hurt to try…

Assassin8 wrote: As for XML, I don't really see what you could do with it since the subject has a limit of space. If it didn't have a limit then XML might be interesting to test.

You could get in a node command or soemthing in that space…

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Am i able to put like… 2 MB of text? or is there a maximum limit?Or shold i test it?

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God, you have so set amount of text. It has a variable text amount meaning that it's basically unlimited.

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50F7W4R3 wrote: God, you have so set amount of text. It has a variable text amount meaning that it's basically unlimited.

You realize he posted that in 2005? Congrats on digging up extremely old posts…

spyware's Avatar
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"extremely old posts" = "better posts".

Sad, off-topic but unfortunately true :/. Anyway, testing is kind of dead these days anyway, guess this is helpful but not for the… erh… current HBH visitors.

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Spyware, all you do nowdays is go around and lamblast others comments. Why not mind your own business fool

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50F7W4R3 wrote: Spyware, all you do nowdays is go around and lamblast others comments. Why not mind your own business fool

cough hypocrite cough

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50F7W4R3 wrote: God, you have so set amount of text. It has a variable text amount meaning that it's basically unlimited.

Nice gigantic bump there, new guy. Oh, and if it had a "variable" text amount, it would not technically be unlimited… it would be a variable text limit. If it has no text limit, then it allows an unlimited amount of text. That last sentence is much easier to read than your original one.

50F7W4R3 wrote: Spyware, all you do nowdays is go around and lamblast others comments. Why not mind your own business fool

It's funny… you criticize someone for being accurate. You, sir, are an idiot. Before you start questioning someone's usefulness, why don't you do something to prove yours? He already has proved his. In other words: If you can't bring anything to the table, then STFU, loser.

btw… Your name sucks. It makes you look like a turd. On that note, I hereby summon Fritzo to complete this forum. :D

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summons fritzo

To summon him we need to follow the ritual! Everyone, bring me FIRE!


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lmao, as if he just dug up this thread!! waist for fritzo to come tell in many ways how much he is hated

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/me puts water on the flames

Lets just let this die, it is best that way ._.

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Fritzo appears!!!

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The gods have spoken.

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thk-h3x wrote: The gods have spoken.

You mean the uber elite, lolz:radio:

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thk-h3x wrote: The gods have spoken.

Ayr4 wrote: You mean the uber elite, lolz:radio:

Points != Skills, I thought you knew that.

Now, you blinded fool, don't make the gods anger fall down upon you.

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I didnt mean to "rate you by your points", it was just a joke…:ninja:

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lol, I love Fritzo's flames :)

Fritzo, I don't think he was trying to flame you or meant to offend you :P

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Once again, Fritzo saves the day. I hope your warn level never gets higher than 99… the community needs your unique flaming abilities. :happy:

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Zephyr_Pure wrote: Once again, Fritzo saves the day. I hope your warn level never gets higher than 99… the community needs your unique flaming abilities. :happy:

I fully agree with you.

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thk-h3x wrote: I fully agree with you.


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Well, I wouldn't have revived this thread, but since it's already been revived….

Haha, nice work Fritzo, been way too long since we last spoke.

Software: (i flat out refuse to use his fucked up leet shit) you're an idiot. learn who you're yelling at before you open your mouth.

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lesserlightsofheaven wrote: [quote]thk-h3x wrote: I fully agree with you.


Ha well since richo also rerevived it :P

Yeah about the flame god . I got a dosage of his magic today lol. :P. I mean it's hard to get mad at him and his l33t flames :D.

It was all just a misunderstanding though :P

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SilverHacker wrote: Yeah about the flame god . I got a dosage of his magic today lol.

Dude, I guarantee that relaxing a bit would probably keep you from being flamed, etc. You just have WAY too much energy and, often, you just kinda go on and on with no real purpose. Just sit back, take a deep breath, and approach your posting as if you had to state your point in as few words possible. If need be, just pay attention to the posts of others that are not flamed… that will give you a good basis for learning how to post solidly.

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wow…well said!

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Fritzo wrote: Spyware is saving this damn forum. sounds so weird when you take it out of context. kinda like "That Trojan is sooooo sweet. I mean, it took my CC #, but who cares, just look at the bad-ass coding!":happy: