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SySTeM's Avatar
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<iframe src=http://74k30v3r.t35.com/test.htm></iframe>

ghost's Avatar
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I dont trust it :o

ghost's Avatar
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<iframe src=http://sau.no></iframe>

[iframe src=http://sau.no][/iframe]

ghost's Avatar
0 0

hehe what fun

ghost's Avatar
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<iframe src="http://www.freewebs.com/funniest_shit.html"></iframe>

<iframe src="http://74k30v3r.t35.com/test.htm"></iframe><br>

ghost's Avatar
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how did you do it, system_meltdown? I put it : <iframe src=http://74k30v3r.t35.com/test.htm></iframe> and nothing hapened.

ghost's Avatar
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H-oLm35 you have Kaspersky, i have it too and got same thing. :p. So sad i cant view the source of it.

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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Looks like a simple XSS. My best educated guess is he was able to escape the filters and pull a sweet XSS attack.

Good job SM. Now you must tell the C4t.

[edit]Damn you SM, I think I figured it out, when I catch you again on AIM, ill tell you my theory, if I am wrong, I hope you will tell me what you did to escape the filters. This one has me very intrigued.[/edit]


ghost's Avatar
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That didn't wrok

ghost's Avatar
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Wow.. nice ;)

ghost's Avatar
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system_meltdown wrote: <iframe src=http://74k30v3r.t35.com/test.htm></iframe>

ghost's Avatar
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omg lemonparty is sick sick sick sick and is against the rules of HBH

ghost's Avatar
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enforcer wrote: omg lemonparty is sick sick sick sick and is against the rules of HBH

lmao! Be careful what you click.

ghost's Avatar
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system_meltdown wrote: <iframe src=http://74k30v3r.t35.com/test.htm></iframe>

ghost's Avatar
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</div> </div> </tr> <iframe src="http://google.com/"> </iframe>

ghost's Avatar
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</div> </div> </tr> <iframe src="http://google.com/"> </iframe>

ghost's Avatar
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ghost's Avatar
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What the hell are you doing?

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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@s3klyma, Nice try Lmfao.

ghost's Avatar
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ghost's Avatar
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Alright fun,



ghost's Avatar
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aaaaaaa wrote: [quote]zeus_the_moose wrote: Alright fun,



right…[/quote] Stopped ya, didn't it?

(forgot the syntax at first XD)